Hi guys. This is my first time posting in this forum. I am really interested in getting into powerlifting and for fun today I tried to see what I could DL. I did 565 pretty easily before this last try at 605. I was wondering if you guys had any advice to give me. I feel like my form is crap and I am way too bent over and putting my back at risk, but I have always liked conventional more than sumo.
I am 23 years old, and have been training a few years. I have never video’d any of my lifts before so this was a new thing for me. I have never had anyone really show me how to do lifts ever and have just had to learn through trial and error and what I read on the net. This is due to me living in a small town with no one really interested in this. I really wish I could spend some time with a coach or some guys who know what they are doing. I may just have to drive a couple hours and show up to a random powerlifting meet and just see if I can make some connections. I just thought I would state this so you guys don’t go too rough on me.
Looks like it broke the floor quick but you got into a bad position around knee level and shifted onto your toes. Focus on rocking/leaning back onto your heels. Training your mid/top end will help some. If you have access to chains/bands, pulls against chains or bands will help train this area. If you just have a power rack, try rack pull from different heights.
Don’t be be all that shy. Most guys that post on the boards aren’t pulling 6 plates.
Thanks for the replies guys…I think that rocking technique would help a lot. I watch a few of Cressey’s vids and it gave me some ideas on how to get my butt down.
[quote]ajweins wrote:
I have never had anyone really show me how to do lifts ever and have just had to learn through trial and error and what I read on the net. This is due to me living in a small town with no one really interested in this. I really wish I could spend some time with a coach or some guys who know what they are doing.[/quote]
Nice try. It would be cool to see your successful 565 lift. As for the issue above, YouTube is your friend. There is a lot of crap out there, but a lot of good advice, demos, and just examples of beastly people lifting huge weights. It’s not too hard to filter out the junk.
Then do more videos of yourself, including from the side. Compare you you look in your own videos to the really good ones you find on the web. And, of course, post here for direct feedback.
[quote]ajweins wrote:
Hi guys. This is my first time posting in this forum. I am really interested in getting into powerlifting and for fun today I tried to see what I could DL. I did 565 pretty easily before this last try at 605. I was wondering if you guys had any advice to give me. I feel like my form is crap and I am way too bent over and putting my back at risk, but I have always liked conventional more than sumo.
Any chance to video yourself pulling less weight? It’s difficult to critique any max effort lift because the end goal is locking out the weight … with less regard to form.
Nice job though. Dave Tate has a good deadlifting article on here from a couple years ago that may be helpful. When first deadlifting, I found speed pulls helpful for nailing form.