I Have a friend who is 60 and wants to do his first cycle(HGH/Tes).He is going to use a anti-aging doctor to score the gear. Could he also and some Tren on his own. Any help would be great. Thanks
Tren and test is an alright cycle. HGH is just fairly expensive and not overly useful, though does have some beneficial effects. However, the doses, specifically of test that he is going to get from this anti aging doc are not going to be anything too spectacular, unless this is an extremely liberal doctor. Most HRT is just that, hormone replacement therapy. It will offer him a more normal level of androgens, but not what i would call a bodybuilding dose. There are other avenues for your friend to find a decent dose of test though. Just remember that an anti-estrogen is essential with higher doses of test. If he’s done having kids he could presumably stay on indefinetly, as long as the drugs hes using are nontoxic (test, deca, etc.). Tren should be cycled as it is a very strong drug.
justinp, thanks for the info. I have done 2 mass cycles of Tren/Tes/dball w/anti-estrogen, do you think this would be a safe stack for my friend? I ran the Tes a gram a week for 8 weeks (frontload 1g), the d-ball 40mg ed for 4 weeks and the Tren 70mg eod for 4 weeks. I used Colmid through the cycle and post for 1 month.Thanks again.
I recomend at his age that he start with lower dosages. Older people metabolize drugs slower, so they can build up toxicity in their blood quicker. First see what happens when you add a good dose of test into the mix. Obviously this will be one long cycle - just use test as the base and plan cycles around it using tren, dbol, equipoise or whatever. When he is ‘off cycle’ he will still use test as a base - hrt.
Thanks for all the help T-Men. I have one more question, would a 2on 4 off be safer than 8 on? Thanks
I’m in my forties and I guess I have a more conservative perspective. I think a modest dose of Testosterone with some Anavar would be an excellent cycle for an older lifter.
Yes, I think a 2-3 week on, 4 week off cycle is effective and safer, especially for the older athlete. Another advantage of shorter cycles is no need for HCG since inhibition and testicular atrophy are not really issues.
Don’t for get the anti-E or aromatase inhibitor, and the Clomid.
[quote]crowbar524 wrote:
I’m in my forties and I guess I have a more conservative perspective. I think a modest dose of Testosterone with some Anavar would be an excellent cycle for an older lifter.
Yes, I think a 2-3 week on, 4 week off cycle is effective and safer, especially for the older athlete. Another advantage of shorter cycles is no need for HCG since inhibition and testicular atrophy are not really issues.
Don’t for get the anti-E or aromatase inhibitor, and the Clomid.
At 60 I am sure the last of his worries are shrunken testicles - Hcg therapy is done for one purpose - to maintain fertility. At 60 I am sure this is not an important issue.
Also at this age there is no point in short cycles, as you have very limited test production to begin with, so no point in wasting time trying to recover it - staying on at least a small hrt dose is probably more heathy, both metally and physically.
Points well taken; thanks for the clarification. Your knowledge in this area is obviously much greater than mine.
I do have one question: do you think there is any increased risk of cardiovascular disease from continuous testosterone use as long as the dosages are kept reasonable?
Do a search on this site for the article: ‘T and your Ticker’