Background info:
Age: 18
training age: 3 years of playing around.
Weight: 84kg
Height: 185cm
Best lifts:
Deadlift: 190kg
Benchpress: 112.5kg
Squat: 150kg parallel
clean and jerk: 117kg
snatch: 87.5kg
military press: 67.5 kg.
However I havent trained in awhile so here is the numbers I tested last week:
benchpress: 95kg…
squat: 130kg atg, was a bad day so I am good for more, starting here.
military press: starting at 60kg.
deadlift: 145kg, good for alot more, but I’ll do the deadlifts without rounding my back.
50kg x5
80kg x5
95kg x5
107.5kg x12 - aparently it should have been 110. I could have done a few more prob. but these all had good speed and 0 back rounding.
Going double overhand grip on deadlifts, no belt. 117.5kg next week on deadlifts, aiming for 12+ hopefully I wont round my back. (I did 20rep deadlifts before so I got to beat 125kg x20.