5/3/1 / Coming Back from ACL Tear

im starting my training log



week 2 of 5/3/1 beginner, coming back from partial acl tear, havenā€™t been able to train since January.

TM ohp/dead/bench/squat 60/80/100/60 kg

squat 5sPRO 5X5 FSL
Bench 5sPRO 5x5 FSL
50-100 reps of push/pull/ abs or single leg assistance

trap bar deadlift 5sPRO 5x5 FSL
Press 5sPRO 5x5 FSL
50-100 reps of assistance of each category

day B, 70,80,90% = 5s day

Trap Bar deadlift 55 kg x 5; 65 x 5; 72.5 x 5; 55 5 x 5
Press 42.5 kg x 5; 47.5 x 5; 55 x 5; 42.5 5 x 5

Dips x 15, Pullups on rotating handles x 8, Bodyweight reverse hyper x 10 for 5 circuits


C1W3 A 5/3/1 beginner

Squat: 45kg x 5, 50 x 5, 57,5 x5, 50 kg 5x5

Bench Press: 75kg x 5, 85 x 5 , 95 x 5, 75 kg 5x5

TRX Facepulls x 15, Pushups x 20, hanging L-Sit Raises x 12 for 5 circuits

neck curl & neck harness extension 2x25 15kg

decided to switch to SSL for the squat because the weights feel really light (they are). probably gonna do the same for the deadlift too and stick to it for a couple of cycles, until the TM gets significantly heavier.


C1W3 B 531 beginner

lowered the OHP TM to 55 kg

Trap bar deadlift: 60kg x 5, 67.5 x 5, 75 x 5, 67.5 5x5
Overhead Press: 42.5kg x 5, 47.5 x 5, 52.5 x 5, 42,5 5x5
CG Chins 5x8

5 circuits of BW reverse hyper x 11, Dips x 15 & pullups on rotating handles x 6

Neck curl & harness extension 1x50 10kg


20 min incline treadmill walk

Foam rolling


C2W1 A

TM SQ=70kg; BP=102.5kg

Squat 45 kg x5, 52.5 x5, 60 x5, 45 5x5 with blue mini-band

Benchpress 67.5 kg x5, 77.5 x5, 87.5 x5, 67.5 5x5

TRX high row x20, Pushups x20, Hanging L-Sit Raises x12 for 5 circuits

Neck curl & harness extension 1x50 10kg


30 min elliptical

foam rolling


c2w1 B
tm TBDL = 90, OHP=57.5

TBDL 57.5 kg x5, 67.5 x5, 77.5 x5, 67.5 5x5
OHP 37.5 kg x5, 42.5 x5, 47.5x5, 37.5 5x5
CG chins 5x8

5 circuits of 15 dips, 6 pull ups on floating handles and 11 reverse hypers

15kg 2x25 neck flex/ext


elliptical 30 min

foam rolling


elliptical 30 min

foam rolling


C2W2 A

SQ 50kg x5, 55 x5, 62.5 x5, 50 5x5 + blue mini-band
BP 72.5kg x5, 82.5 x5, 92.5 x5, 72.5 5x5

5 circuits of 20 pushups, 15 TRX facepulls and 13 hanging l-sit raises

15kg 2x25 neck flex/ext


elliptical 30 min

foam rolling


C2W2 B

TBDL 62.5 kg x5, 72.5 x5, 80 x5, 72.5 5x5
OHP 40 kg x5, 45 x5, 52.5 x5, 40 5x5
CG Chins 5x8

5 circuits of 16 Dips, 6 pullups on handles, 11 BW reverse hyper

15kg 2x25 neck flex/ext


30 min stationary bike (right knee didnā€™t feel all too well yesterday evening and this morning, so i decided to take it slow while still getting some conditioning in)

quad stretches

22.4. C2W3 A

SQ 52.5kg x5, 60 x5, 67.5 x5, 52.5 5x5 with blue mini band
BP 77.5kg x5, 87.5 x5, 97.5 x5, 77.5 5x5
supersetted squats and bench , got done with it in 30 min., decided to do straight sets for assistance today:

Hammerstrength iso low row 5x12 80 kg
rope triceps-pushdowns 3x20, 2x10
straight leg lifts on leg raise station 5x12
neck flexion & extension 2x25 15 kg


30 min elliptical

quad stretches


30 min elliptical

3x15 knee raises on leg raise station

quad stretches



TBDL 67.5 kg x5, 77.5 x5, 85 x5, 67.5 5x5
OHP 42.5kg x5, 47.5 x5, 55 x5, 42.5 5x5
CG Chins 5x8 (ss w/ ohp)

dips 5x16 SS pull ups on rotating handles 5x7
45Ā° back raise 5x15 SS neck flex/ext 2x25 15kg


30 min elliptical

5x12 decline sit-ups

quad stretches

TM sq: 80, BP: 105

SQ 52.5kg x5, 60 x5, 67.5, 52.5 5x5 with blue mini band
BP 67.5 x5, 80 x5, 90 x5, 67.5 5x5

5 circuits of trx facepulls x20, ring pushups x15 & 20kg KB swings x12

15kg 2x25 neck harness and flexion