Wednesday 4th February - Maximal Strength- Week 16 - Day 3 - Upper - Late Afternoon
Getting at least 8 hours of sleep over the last few days, and so my CNS felt decent, not the best, but not bad. Didnāt get the bench number I wanted, but I at least have somewhere to work from. Lucky the 20min walk with the girlfriend yesterday didnāt kill me
Workout time - 1 hour 30mins
Workout rating - 8.5/10 - would have rated an 9.5 had I got the 275 bench, 10 if I had that and felt top notch 
Did my general warmup - dynamic swings etc, and 10 reps with 25lb in various exercises - pull, press, oly goodmorning, snatch grip BN press, hang powerclean for a few
14 inch grip Bench
Warmups - 14inch grip Bar - 3 static holds for 6 secs each on the way down then x8, 95x5, 135x5, 185x3
Tempo 10X0 Rest - alternating sets with Rows 1.5 mins between each
225 x 1,
275 x MISS - stuck halfway up dumped
265 x 1 New 1RM PR!! bounce on chest though
270 x MISS, died at sticking point
225lbs 2x3
240lbs x1 - very slow!
Well all the warmups felt crisp and much lighter than before, so I knew my CNS was good to decent shape. 275 didnāt feel that heavy, controlled it down and slammed it up once it touched the chest and hit a brick wall halfway up, push for a bit, and thought it would go up slowly, but no go.
At least I know I have some weak ass triceps!
265 was slow, but at least I got it - bounce on chest though, went down too fast
Was supposed to do 3x2 with 240, but called it day with it being so slowā¦no gas left. Obviously Bulgarian waveloading parameters donāt work well for meā¦
time to beef up the triceps! If I can get em up, I think I should have no problems getting to 295lbs wthin a few months.
ReverseGrip Single Arm Dumbell Rows
warmup - 6kg 3 Posiiton ISO Hold then x5, 35lbs x5, 55lbsx5, 75x3
Tempo 10X0 Rest- alternating with Bench 1.5 mins between
95x1, 115x1, 110lbs 2x3
45 degree Chest Supported Rows - Palms down grip
Warmup - 45x5, 90x3
115lbs 2x5
Bits and pieces
Tricep Dips
Tempo 10X0 rest - Alternating with rows 1.5 mins between
BW 4x5
These have worked well in the past getting tricep nice and explosively strong and making my bench lockout nice and fast. I power these up as hard as I can. time to do em againā¦
Seated Pulley Rows
Tempo 1010
35x5, 50lbs 2x8
Low Pulley L-Flyes on Free Motion Machine
Tempo - 1010 rest - alternating arms
10lbs x 5, 20lbs 2x5, 15lbs x10 - cuffs getting stronger
45 degree Chest Supported Rows - Palms down grip ISO Hold
45lbs x 1.5mins - 2 bird in one - strength and lengthen my back and work my grip as well
ParalleGrip Dumbell Bench ISO hold
6inch stance Fullsquat ISO Hold - heels in air, on toes, body curled over
BW x 2 mins
Shoulder Dislocates with wooden staff - using snatch grip to stretch out pecs and shoulders