47, Starting Back & Need Nutrition Guidance

Got my first few planned sessions in this week. I am using the method on here that is labeled “how to build superhero Muscle”. I am doing this in a 3 week on phase with a deload week being the week of christmas, because I will be in AZ with no gym, so that week I will be doing more calisthenics and body weight stuff.

If anyone has done that workout, would love a little advice. It is only 2 sets for most of the lift and it says that it should be your 10 rep weight for that exercise. I don’t know that I feel taxed enough. If I add in a 3rd set, that would increase my time under tension (the programe has some specific Eccentric movement numbers) as well as overall load.

I chose this becuase it does focus on upper body, which is what I want to do for the first phase of my program while I rehab.

Any thoughts? Below is the link to my training log where I’ll just update the workouts with notes.

Bret’s training log for the competition, started early