435x2, 455x1 Raw 2 Board Bench Video

I had a Solid Bench workout this week which I hope really gets the momentum going towards a hopeful PR at my upcoming meets.

Also thanks for all the postive encouragement and have a great day!

435x2, 455x1 2 Board Bench Press RAW

Here is the previous weeks bench press training video.
I took it light and just worked up to a Strong set of 10 reps

335 x 10 reps (RAW) on 7-31-08

As always very nice BPG. Doubled 425 and hit the rack with 445 myself earlier this week. I’m right there with ya. Don’t know if you saw it yet but Big Willie did some reverse band board presses over in performance photos.

do u bench shirted in comps?

o and i forgot, ur frickin beastly and i love the speeches u give prior to the session or after hehe

please note that the lifts weren’t just raw, they were RAW

Great work as usual. Keep em coming!

[quote]saps wrote:
As always very nice BPG. Doubled 425 and hit the rack with 445 myself earlier this week. I’m right there with ya. Don’t know if you saw it yet but Big Willie did some reverse band board presses over in performance photos.[/quote]

Thanks saps

Do you have any videos, I would like to watch your lifting???
Yes I know Big Willie did some BIG reverse bands off a 3 board. He is one strong man!

Have a great day!

[quote]bignate wrote:
do u bench shirted in comps?[/quote]

Yes I do.

I use a Titan Fury and I am currently working on getting a Katana ready to compete in.

[quote]bignate wrote:
o and i forgot, ur frickin beastly and i love the speeches u give prior to the session or after hehe[/quote]

Thanks bignate

I appreciate the responses.
I am glad you enjoy them and have a great day!

[quote]Boridi wrote:
please note that the lifts weren’t just raw, they were RAW[/quote]

Thats right they were RAW!!!

Have a great day!

Another great installment from BPG.

Your intensity kicks ass.