405 Bench

Haha, good shit.

Do you currently do squats and deads? If not, I would not really add any big weight untill you have perfected your form. Therefore, I would not get too caught up numbers if thats the case. Trust me on this one. I did some stupid shit in my days and adding too much too soon was one of them.

As far as a training program goes, it does not really matter if you ask me. I use a split but whatever has been working for you, keep at it and then you can add squats to your leg day and deads to your back day. If you are going TBT, I would squat and do deads at least once a week. Once you get more comfortable with form, I’d think about adding front squats and stiff leg deads.


[quote]GunnyBear wrote:
Amsterdam Animal wrote:
Welcome to the club bro, nice lift. Was there a lift off and did anyone else touch the bar during the actual lift?

What are your current squat and dead numbers?

It was actually kind of funny. My regular lifting partner wasn’t there that night and I had another fellow to spot me. Well he didn’t think he could handle it himself and had two other guys (cardio boys) stand on either side of the bar. I was kind of embarrassed that I had 3 guys spotting me. I didn’t have a lift off, brought it down to my chest and pushed off and brought it up and racked it and they didn’t touch it. That made me happy for about 5 min then I realized that I now had to set a new goal LOL!

I don’t know my stats for squats & deads, honestly that is my next goal. What would you suggest as a goal and training plan?


Good shit.

[quote]GunnyBear wrote:
I was kind of embarrassed that I had 3 guys spotting me.

Having to have more than one person spot you means you’re a badass. Plus I definately prefer multiple spotters when working with heavy ass weight.

Do you compete in powerlifting?

Good lift. 405 is impressive.

Amsterdam Animal,

I don’t do much in the way of squats and deadlifts so I’m going to take your advice and keep it light till I get my form down. I always used to joke that my legs were strong enough having to haul my fat ass around, but I’ve never really set out to train them. Getting form down and making gains is my new goal.

When I determined to do 405, it was because I felt I was slacking off. Lifting was becoming to routine and I wasn’t making gains in strength. I needed shake things up, I needed to, forgive the cliche, go hard or go home. And here is the shameless plug for T-Nation: Reading posts on this site and gleaning information from it was motivating and instructional. Even now I’m hearing new things and getting new ideas from guys like you and Tveddy. So thanks!

Oh and the pictures of the figure ladies did keep me coming back. Why can’t chicks at my gym look like that!

congratulations on the 4 wheels…

You must have been blessed with some natural strength. There aren’t many people that could get to that bench with the training you are doing. It’s not really conducive to building strength. You need to come over to the dark side…

head over to the Westside/Powerlifting thread and do some reading. Also make sure to ask some questions.

Good luck,


[quote]Amsterdam Animal wrote:
Hey tveddy, I checked out your numbers, impressive man. What do you mean by rack presses?

I def agree with you about the triceps, when I used to heavy weighted dips, my bp improved greatly. I stopped doing them bc my shoulders were killing me but they are ok now. I got a bum elbow right now and it kills just to do bodyweight dips. Any alternatives other than rack press you suggest to get to your numbers?

Rack presses would be setting the pins a little above your chest, then letting the bar come to rest on the pins. Its like a board press, but you let it rest like a pause rep. Use a rack instead of boards though, cause its safer.
Tendonitis or what? I get tendonitis sometimes and I can usually do kick backs, db tri ext, and tate presses without much pain. I also do tri ext with a band.

[quote]GunnyBear wrote:

I bench once a week. I don’t always go to failure, in fact I do it very rarely. I think you are right in saying it is important to rest properly. I train triceps twice a week, once by themselves then once with biceps. My lifting partner thinks like you that the triceps are the key. Sometimes I do feel drained before workouts, chest or otherwise. When that happens I try to push through it and catch my second wind but sometimes I won’t go as heavy or as long. [/quote]

If you’re only going once a week and tris twice then it shouldnt be a problem. I burn out twice a week on tris sometimes. I try not to burn out my chest though.

Ok, I’m a little embarrassed cause I didn’t know what to call it till You mentioned it, Tveddy, but I have been training with a board press. I think the whole idea is gangbusters! I am convinced that using it in training was a big part in getting to my goal. I’ll give the Rack Press a try.


I’m going to look into westside!

Cool, appreciate it bro. I have done those at times when I did not have a spot. So what kind of weight rep scheme should I be looking for on these? I am getting my bench numbers back to respectability right now. My overall goal is to get a 500 bench, most I ever benched is 455.

I lift like a BB’er though but I like to work on my strength numbers on the big three. I use a split where I hit chest once every 6 days or so. How do you suggest working these rack presses in?

As far as the elbow is concerned I cant say for sure but I think it is tendonites. I can do the tri work you suggest and I have been. Nothing better for those though then to strap some serious weight on and do some dips, just pisses me off the bow wont let me.


[quote]tveddy wrote:
Amsterdam Animal wrote:
Hey tveddy, I checked out your numbers, impressive man. What do you mean by rack presses?

I def agree with you about the triceps, when I used to heavy weighted dips, my bp improved greatly. I stopped doing them bc my shoulders were killing me but they are ok now. I got a bum elbow right now and it kills just to do bodyweight dips. Any alternatives other than rack press you suggest to get to your numbers?


Rack presses would be setting the pins a little above your chest, then letting the bar come to rest on the pins. Its like a board press, but you let it rest like a pause rep. Use a rack instead of boards though, cause its safer.
Tendonitis or what? I get tendonitis sometimes and I can usually do kick backs, db tri ext, and tate presses without much pain. I also do tri ext with a band.[/quote]

[quote]GunnyBear wrote:
Amsterdam Animal,

I don’t do much in the way of squats and deadlifts so I’m going to take your advice and keep it light till I get my form down. I always used to joke that my legs were strong enough having to haul my fat ass around, but I’ve never really set out to train them. Getting form down and making gains is my new goal.

When I determined to do 405, it was because I felt I was slacking off. Lifting was becoming to routine and I wasn’t making gains in strength. I needed shake things up, I needed to, forgive the cliche, go hard or go home. And here is the shameless plug for T-Nation: Reading posts on this site and gleaning information from it was motivating and instructional. Even now I’m hearing new things and getting new ideas from guys like you and Tveddy. So thanks!

Oh and the pictures of the figure ladies did keep me coming back. Why can’t chicks at my gym look like that![/quote]

I get tired of the articles on here sometimes, but yesterdays really hit home. Just thinking about the crazy workouts from college days I got alot of motivation to workout yesterday. Worked out pretty hard, not very sore though so I’m pretty upset.

405 raw, good job. That happens to be my current goal. I am right around 350 now, but am cutting alot of weigth and just trying to maintain my strenth level until I start eating enough calories again.

I saw that you mentioned that you had some shoulder issues, are you doing enough back work and maintanence work to keep your shoulders healthy. It seemed to me that your workout wasn’t promoting good shoulder health, but it could have been due to the way you described your workout.

[quote]Amsterdam Animal wrote:
Cool, appreciate it bro. I have done those at times when I did not have a spot. So what kind of weight rep scheme should I be looking for on these? I am getting my bench numbers back to respectability right now. My overall goal is to get a 500 bench, most I ever benched is 455.

I lift like a BB’er though but I like to work on my strength numbers on the big three. I use a split where I hit chest once every 6 days or so. How do you suggest working these rack presses in?

As far as the elbow is concerned I cant say for sure but I think it is tendonites. I can do the tri work you suggest and I have been. Nothing better for those though then to strap some serious weight on and do some dips, just pisses me off the bow wont let me.



I usually do them after I get done with bench press and before I do any isolation work. I’ll work them in instead of close grip about once a week. I do two upper body splits a week, so it looks something like this

Bench or incline ss w/ pullups
Close grip or rack lockouts ss w/ chins
Dips ss/ cable rows
Isolation exercises

I got a dvd from EliteFTS and dave recommends doing a lot of volume and with bands or light weights to increase blood flow for recovery. It seems to help my elbows a little, as long as I ice too. I also drink a bottle of Carlson’s a week.

Thats pretty awsome man i maxed at 260 on Monday. I am trying to hit 300 by december. I only weight 175 though @ 5’7"

405 is impressive. Don’t sell yourself short. I’d hazard a guess that less than 5% of T-Nation could do it. In real life, not internet life.