40 Y/O, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Practitioner

Hi all,
I am 40 years old BJJ practitioner and I need your advices for a new cycle ( a long one ) for PED’s.

I’ve been doing Test E - 600mg / week + Masterone 400 mg / week for 10 weeks.

Before I tried 2TTM ( 2 ml / week ) but I got very very bad inflated ligaments and could barely train, I think it was because of Tren.

I would give Susta + Boldenone a try , or Susta + Deca but I am a little afraid that I am 40 years old and will kinda kill my libido .

What do you guys think ? What would be a good cycle to get some size ( not much ) and recover after training faster, on some days even 2 / day ??

Looking forward to hear your thoughts .

For BJJ you need trt/cruise dose of test around 200mgs a week and maybe you can add some HGH at 2ius before bed for better sleep. Thats it.
You have no business running what you run if your goals are not getting BIG and STRONG.


Go get your baseline blood work after you recover from above or perhaps you have pre drug baseline?

100-200 mg/week testosterone ester as part of testosterone therapy if indicated. 100 mg/week baseline and you could increase intermittently then come back down.

As mentioned , I would also wanna get some lean mass on me.
I forgot to mention that I have issues with knees , which is normal in BJJ , that is why I asked for Decaduraboline .

i am sorry I don’t know what is pre drug baseline :sunglasses:

And this didn’t work?



Deca doesnt fix issues, it masks em.

If you are not getting enough lean mass for BJJ from what you have already done steroid-wise, then the problem you need to address is food and training.


Nota bene fellas.

I am still waiting for someone to report back on intra-articular stanozolol (Winstrol) injections. Works pretty well for horses.

The enanthat and masterone worked well, I just wanna try change the compounds , like Cyp with something else , or susta

Gotcha. Like same pants just different color.

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Bro, you just listed almost every common drug out there. Lets refine your goals and what would work for those. I’m inclined to agree with @hankthetank89 here. Most AAS make your joints worse, not better. You also don’t need a lot of size and you can gain that on TRT. TRT plus HGH seems to fit the bill. Everything else would be a detriment to your sport.



A lot of the BJJ guys at the higher levels juice

The world championships for BJJ only started testing recently, even then it was only some of the black belts

Now at worlds they’re upping the testing ante, but the tests are still only done at worlds… not at other large championships, and the ADCC sure as shit doesn’t test.

Go look at how Gordon Ryan is currently looking and tell me he isn’t juicing.

A LOT of bjj guys juice. BJJ is the combat sport that is currently notorious for juicing, as athletes are largely exempt from testing.

Juice helps with grappling moreso than striking. Raw strength matters considerably more in grappling.

However you’d be pretty hard pressed to find a BJJ guys running stacks like bodybuilders do. BJJ guys are looking to maximise strength to weight ratios unless they’re already in the top weight class.

You’d probably find more BJJ guys using things like EQ, mast, primo, TRT, hgh etc over orals, tren, deca etc.

Even if it works for humans, good luck self administering intra articuar stanozolol…

You’d have to be insane to try self administer that.

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Just need a good vet.

I do my best.

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Are you going to dress up as a horse and try fool the vet?

Because I happen to think that’s a GREAT idea!

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Hmmm, sounds plausible.

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Never thought this would be a source link :slight_smile:


I would have to strongly disagree. Granted, I only did MMA training for about 18 months. Injuries affected my lifting and I preferred strength training more. Still, my strength helped me with take downs but once on the ground stamina and skill ruled.

Look at the original UFC before it was standardized. Gracie was easily the least physically opposing guy out there and whooped everybody. Put Ken Shamrock next to Gracie and you would have thought Gracie didnt stand a chance.

OK, makes sense what you are saying !
What would you suggest ? I also have some compounds to share with you . But I don’t wanna spam the forum ( I am not sure about the policies also ).

Info purposes only. Don’t try at home :slight_smile: . A little practice and voila (theoretically speaking).