Nice. What it used to be before? And was E2 the primary cause?
My T was sub 80 so I started at 125mg weekly, no AI. 0.5mg adex fixed that. But, I still felt groggy. Went to 125x2 and 250x1 then finally 250x2 (500mg).
I’m sold T is just a number and it might play a huge role in anabolic growth, it plays equally as much with mental wellbeing. And, if my T needs to be above 2500 to feel the same as someone with average T of 600, so be it.
500mg is my prescribed TRT dose
Oh my BP was 140-155/unknown (will ask next time) during then. I’m sure it was E2 water retention causing high BP cause I first took pharma grade diuretics and peed my BP down while the adex kept the E2 in check.
Hm, did you feel anything while your E2 was higher back then except high BP?
A little bitchy, but controllable.
I’d prefer the irritability over the incredible bowling ball moon face it gave me any day though.
I think your amount is too high for trt
I would do 125mg per week if I were you
For TRT yeah, will do bloods, then will decide. I’m lifting like mad for 13+ years so it helps me, but if #s don’t get better, I’ll be lowering the dosage for sure, then redoing bloods to see whats up.
Second week doing 2x injections total 250mg test-e. Will do tests 6-8 weeks into this protocol to see my levels of hormones, thyroid and blood panel. Hope my high RBC, HGB, HCT and PLT levels decrease, if not will be lowering the dose as @jimmy401 and @monstermmorpg suggested. Also very interesting what all the tests will show, will share my readings here.
Best regards,
Donate blood. I go a tad above high, but within normal after donation. I’m sure I’m peaking constantly donating every 56 days though.
I have been donating every 4 months. I do the double red cell donation because I am O+ and my blood is RH negative. The lady told me my blood goes to Neonatal intensive care units in hospitals for the babies.
I wish I could do a double, as it does save lives and I choose the Armed Forces Blood Bank as I’m prior service, but they only do single units here.
I’m tempted to try the Red Cross for a double, but I’m on a run with about my 15th donation. Shooting for 100 as this is a lifetime treatment.
Babies getting swole on your tiger blood.
That’s what I always thought about mine.
If I have a T level of 2500, there are 6 pints in a small female body with say T of 40… if given 1 unit, is she waking up with superhuman T of 450? Wonder if that’d help with short term recovery…
Cutting my 250mg dose into 125mg per week and will see how it goes. Giving my body and mind 7 days rest from training as been working out hardcore for some months thus rest is essential else burnout. Will be doing one shot per week of 125mg test-e a lot more convenient for me instead of two shots of 60.x mg/week. So 125mg every 7 days then will see how I feel, how my training will look and body composition and do bloods in 6-8 week time. Will monitor my BP along the way as well.
Hello @systemlord. I’ve read a lot of your posts,replies and you seem to know your game well and since I can’t send DMs I’d like to ask you a few questions if you don’t mind?
p.s. I could drop you an email if that would be ok…
Well at cardiologist they did endo of the heart and then next time put those cords on me and had to do ride a bike so they did both I guess. Said no angina, everything pretty much normal, just heart tired after stress on resuming but thats due to thick blood I have. Put me on 200mg aspiring. My readings are pretty high, thus the elevated BP that got me worries. I could send you blood tests I have at this point, as will be doing full tests in 6 weeks time, as I’ve cut my test-e weekly dose in half doing 125mg 1 time per week now. Would be awesome if you could take a look, much appreciated:)
So just to give update on my topic I’ve lowered my weekly test-e dose from 250mg to 125mg once a week for now. Hope this helps lowering my BP and readings with time. Next problem is this nasty heartburn or whatever that is still present and somehow it’s connected with left hand, as I had pain in the middle of the hand for some time but continued working out. Not sure but this might be connected!? Thinking to do magnetic resonance or how is that shit called. Been also 6 weeks I’m taking Nexium and Rinitidin but so far effect on what I thought was a heartburn. Somehow I feel this pain is connected with my left arm tough to explain. No pain when in bed or when sitting at some angles no pain as well. Strange shit that got me worried as its been with me for around 2 months already. Im just not sure if from pain in the arm the pain can translate to pain around heart area? Is that possible?
Every reply much appreciated.
why not do more frequent injections at the 125 mg, test e does not have a long half life so you are spiking T very high and then dipping low between each injection.
Good point. Although today Ive done whole 125mg injection so how would you advise to behave from this point forward if to have 2 injections per week?
These large weekly injections can spike T and E2 which can increase BP is some men, smaller more frequent injections can help. These large injections also spike RBC and hematocrit which may be the cause of BP issues.
You kind of flying blind without any lab testing.