Allow me to share a little bit about my backround, I just competed in my first natural bodybuilding comp on May 2nd. I placed third in novice middleweight, I am currently just over 180 lbs and am near 6 percent. I consistently mountain bike; 15 minutes to the gym and 15 minutes back, and generally another forty minutes to an hour 5-6 times per week.
I am interested to know if a 40/40/20 (prot/carbs/fat) ratio was safe/effective for other users. I am aware that low fat is not good for t-levels and other hormones, wanted to see what everyone thought.
The problem is all the calculators are telling me something different! Different sites have had a disparities of 2,160-3,700 (I select the highest activity level).
I am currently following one that recommended a daily allotment of 2160 calories, so that breaks down to 216/216/48. During competition training, I divided my carb allotment 15% upon rising/35% preworkout/25% during workout/20% postworkout. I don’t calculate my percentages percisely anymore but usually have a generous amount in the morning since that’s when I train. I train legs twice a week so I up my carbs by 100% and lower my fat intake to around thirty to forty grams.
Any advice or comments would be appreciated!