4 Week Cycle: Dbol/Epi/Test P/Tren A

Hello, I’m 22 years old, been training for about 3,5 years now, Im about 210 pound for about 17-18% BF 177cm,
SO I will be running soon ,if GOD wills it, a cycle for 4 weeks of dbol/epi/tren/test prop, MY GOAL IS TO BULK, and also, I have abs all year around, I gain fat like women, I get juste à little fat on my stomach and chest but the majority I get it in my lowerbody, so even when I am at 20-22%%, I will have a 6 pack visible, not a lot, but you can see it without any difficulty, so I dont care if I gain 1% of BF in my cycle

DURING my cycle I will eat 4500kcal and 1,5g/pound of prot, it will 80% clean and 20% dirty because it is hard To eat 4500kca clean

Week 1:
Epi: 45mg everyday, test P: 250mg , tren ace: 250mg, dbol: 20mg everyday
Week 2 3 4:
Epi: 45 mg everyday, test P: 250mg, tren ace: 250mg, dbol: 40mg

( I know it is high dosage of dbol and epi, but I want huge gainz and it is my last cycle)
Pct: 2 days after my last injection:
Clomid: 75/50/50/50/50/50/50
Nolva: 50/25/25/25/25/25/25

Week 2 3 4:
Clomid: 50/50/50/50/50/50/50
Nolva: 20/20/20/20/20/20/20

I will also be using aromasin during my cycle: 0,25mg/say
I have caber in my hand and will use if I have prolactic issue,
And I will be also using TUDCA 400mg/say

I KNOW that its not good To use two methylated oral, but it will be my last cycle , and also I KNOW that using tren ace and test prop for 4 weeks is short, but I dont have enough money, so I decide to buy short esters so they “kick” quickly,

So, what do you thing about my cycle, I will be running it soon maybe in 3 weeks and I will be interisting if anyone have run a cycle like that or very similar…

First of all, you’r too young to start gear but hey, its your life.

This is your first cycle and also your last??? Confusing.

Anyway, save your money on all the extra crap and orals and spend it all on Test Ethanate for about 12 weeks. Run 500 mg/week divided in 2 shots. Have some nolvadex (tamoxifen) on hand and be aware of estorgen related sides. What about your PCT? Are you prepared/knowledgeable in what to do?

Its not my first, I’ve just done one, and I will be doing my second and last, but I already have in my hand epi dbol and and my protection and my pct, so I know what To do, so I only have 115 dollars left, so I tell to myself why not buy test prop. 10ml 100mg/ml and tren ace 10ml 100mg/ml and do 4week cycle…

And I’m prepared and my pct is:
Pct: 2 days after my last injection:
Clomid: 75/50/50/50/50/50/50
Nolva: 50/25/25/25/25/25/25

Week 2 3 4:
Clomid: 50/50/50/50/50/50/50
Nolva: 20/20/20/20/20/20/20

Ever consider not doing a cycle since you don’t have enough money?? How are you going to afford the food needed to bulk? This just sounds horrible

I just dont think you’re going to get the results you want in 4 weeks. The body doesnt transform overnight and not for permanent gains.

No u dont understand I have 120$ left for buying gear, not for food…, I Had enough money For food…, if u understand what I mean

No I don’t really understand but do what you wish. I have a feeling you are going to be extremely disappointed with the outcome of this cycle.

Ive never say That I will transform in 4 weeks, just want to put 15pound but I know in this 15pound will be some fat and water…

I think (4) weeks is a little light. 6 weeks may be more optimal. All are fast compounds and you should see results starting after one week. If you are going for a short cycle at least the compounds are right.

What is best, lowering the dose and do 5-6 weeks or do 4weeks and notlowering the dose?

The point of a cycle is LONG TERM gains, you risk losing everything off cycle. Then all you risked was messing with your natural hormone production. I’m not flaming, just playing devils advocate here.

I know, thank you for the advice,but in my first cycle, Ive done 4 weeks of superdrol and put 10pound, maybe 6-7 of them were muscles and 4-3 fat, and i kept all my gains …

Your right you won’t want to probably ever do another one. After you finish this cycle. If that’s what you can even call it.

Side note: you say you dont have enough money to run a longer cycle… Well you would if you ditched the dbol epi and tren and just grabbed 2 more bottles of test… Wow mind blown!

I’ve said it in previous post, that Ive already have epi dbol my protection and pct in my hand…

Sell it and buy test or save your money. Dont shut your body down for 4 weeks for what will probably be little to no gains

This is the absolute stupidest idea I’ve seen in months, and I’m in finance. If you think this is a good idea then go for it. If you think that there’s any scientific basis for this idea then you need to skip a few days at the gym and start hitting the books instead.

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Ok, I will take your advice
THANK you all

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