Hello, I’m 22 years old, been training for about 3,5 years now, Im about 210 pound for about 17-18% BF 177cm,
SO I will be running soon ,if GOD wills it, a cycle for 4 weeks of dbol/epi/tren/test prop, MY GOAL IS TO BULK, and also, I have abs all year around, I gain fat like women, I get juste à little fat on my stomach and chest but the majority I get it in my lowerbody, so even when I am at 20-22%%, I will have a 6 pack visible, not a lot, but you can see it without any difficulty, so I dont care if I gain 1% of BF in my cycle
DURING my cycle I will eat 4500kcal and 1,5g/pound of prot, it will 80% clean and 20% dirty because it is hard To eat 4500kca clean
Week 1:
Epi: 45mg everyday, test P: 250mg , tren ace: 250mg, dbol: 20mg everyday
Week 2 3 4:
Epi: 45 mg everyday, test P: 250mg, tren ace: 250mg, dbol: 40mg
( I know it is high dosage of dbol and epi, but I want huge gainz and it is my last cycle)
Pct: 2 days after my last injection:
Clomid: 75/50/50/50/50/50/50
Nolva: 50/25/25/25/25/25/25
Week 2 3 4:
Clomid: 50/50/50/50/50/50/50
Nolva: 20/20/20/20/20/20/20
I will also be using aromasin during my cycle: 0,25mg/say
I have caber in my hand and will use if I have prolactic issue,
And I will be also using TUDCA 400mg/say
I KNOW that its not good To use two methylated oral, but it will be my last cycle , and also I KNOW that using tren ace and test prop for 4 weeks is short, but I dont have enough money, so I decide to buy short esters so they “kick” quickly,
So, what do you thing about my cycle, I will be running it soon maybe in 3 weeks and I will be interisting if anyone have run a cycle like that or very similar…