4-Day Split


Standard routine, It is by no means the ‘perfect’ routine as no such thing exists; IMO it’s got a good base.

Monday - Quads/Hams/Calves
Barbell Squats: 4x(12-10-8-6)
Leg Extension/Leg Press Supersets: 3x10
Stiff Legged Deadlifts: 1x12, 1x10, 3x8
Hamstring Curls: 3x8
Standing Calve Raises: 3x8/12 Dropsets

Tuesday - Chest/Biceps
Incline Bench Press: 3x8
Incline DB Press: 3x8
Incline DB Flyes: 2x10
Flat DB Flyes: 2x10
Flat DB Bench: 3x8
Barbell Curls: 4x(12-10-8-6)
Seated Incline DB Curls: 2x8
Single Arm DB Preacher Curls: 2x10

Thursday - Back/Traps
Deadlifts: 3x8
Barbbell Row: 4x(10-8-6-4)
Seated Row: 3x8
Lat Pulldowns: 2x10
Reverse Grip Pulldowns: 2x10
DB Shrugs: 1x12, 1x10, 3x8

Friday - Delts/Triceps
Military Press: 3x8
Seated DB Press: 3x6
DB Lat Raise/Front Raise Supersets: 2x10
Reverse Flys: 3x10
Skullcrushers: 1x12, 3x8
Rope Pressdowns: 3x8
Straight Bar Pulldowns: 2x12

AB’s will be done at the end of two sessions.

Any Recommendations or Thoughts please?

Dude thats 13 sets on your chest
but other than that i recon its an alright routine ay
whats your abs session like mine is a 7 exersice circuit for 2 sets n that targets the core real good

  1. Move your leg day to monday or thursday so you’re rested up and can hit them as hard as possible. Something like this:

Mon: Legs
Tues: Chest/Biceps
Wed: Off

Or, you can do something like this:


This can help spread the workload throughout the week.

  1. Write in your ab work so you know you’ll do it. Don’t just say you’ll throw in somewhere 2 days during the week.

[quote]Doug Adams wrote:

  1. Move your leg day to monday or thursday so you’re rested up and can hit them as hard as possible. Something like this:[/quote]

Good shout, I’ll do that - Move leg’s to monday,

[quote]Doug Adams wrote:
2. Write in your ab work so you know you’ll do it. Don’t just say you’ll throw in somewhere 2 days during the week[/quote]

[quote]tRe4 wrote:
Dude thats 13 sets on your chest
but other than that i recon its an alright routine ay
whats your abs session like mine is a 7 exersice circuit for 2 sets n that targets the core real good[/quote]

I was thinking of a circult too, contains - 6 exercises and 15-20 reps for 1 set.

Oblique Crunches
Raised-Leg Crunches
One / Double Leg V-up Crunch
Leg Rasies
Reverse Crunch

Plank 30-60 seconds
Side Plank 30-60 seconds

What is your’s?

What do you guys think of this? I tried the 5 day cycle and only came up frustrated. I try to hit each muscle twice a week. Once heavy and once moderate to light depending on if I am stull sore or not. This is old school as I learned it from an old Arnold S. work out routine.


–Standard bar bell benchpress: four to five sets reps of 8 to 12 using 225 pounds-285 pounds.
–Weighted dips: four sets of 8-12 strapped with a 50 lb dumbbell around my waist
–Incline dumbbell press: three to four sets reps of eight to 12
–Peck deck: three to four sets reps of eight to 12


–Moderate squats (I try not to go heavy so as to prevent a back injury) three to four sets of eight to 10 reps
–Moderate deadlifts three to four sets of eight to 10 reps
–Calves five sets of 25

Wednesday: off


Same as Monday


Same as Tuesday

Saturday: off
Sunday: off


The week is not balanced,

-More Upper then lower-
-More chest than anything else-
-No Shoulders-
-No Arms-

  • Use Peck deck as a burn rather than an chests exercice (Once your finished-Sit on the machine with very little weight and just do the movment-untill you really feel it- the blood that is)
  • Fly’s rather than Deck
  • Add Militray Press
  • Add SLDL

ma circuit 10-15 reps
-Air bikes
-full sit-ups
-Lying side crunch
-supine double leg raises
-alter toe touches
-then i lift legs and back of the ground and hold for as long as i can
-ab stretches
2min rest

Then another set if i want more pain lol

That’s alot of incline work on your chest day.

Sweet Dude, I’m going to try that, tRe4. Cheers.

Incline - Yes, I know but that’s what I want to target more, Upper chest needs more development.

understandable; mine too.

don’t neglect flat and decline; they can help the pectorials too.

good luck!

I’ve been thinking on a little adjustment such as this…

Incline Bench Press: 3x8
Incline DB Press: 3x8
Flat DB Bench: 3x8
Incline DB Flyes: 2x12 (light, Burn)
Flat DB Flyes: 2x12 (light, Burn)

Just going light on the flys, keep the blood moving and pumping the muscle rather than exhusting myself for strengh!

Dude if u r doing 3 sets of a incline bench press no need to hit 3 sets with dbs. By the way, put some dips for your chest and tri and replace the pulldown by the chin-up, no easy way out.

Ow, skullcrusher are good for tri hypertrophy, but they will destroy your elbows sooner or later

Monday - Quads/Hams/Calves
Barbell Squats: 4x(12-10-8-6)
Leg Extension/Leg Press Supersets: 3x8
Stiff Legged Deadlifts: 3x(10-8-6)
Lying Hamstring Curls: 3x8
Standing Calve Raises: 4x12

Tuesday - Chest/Biceps
Incline Smith Press: 4x8
Incline DB Flyes: 2x8
Flat DB Bench / Flyes: SuperSet 3x8
Chest dips: 3x8
Barbell Curls: 3x"21s(7-7-7)
Seated Incline DB Curls: 3x8
Single Arm DB Preacher Curls: 2x8

Thursday - Back/Traps
Barbbell Row: 3x8
Deadlifts: 3x8
Horizontal BB Pullup: 3x10
Assisted Pull Ups: 3x10
Hammer Pulldowns: 3x10
DB Shrugs: 3x12
Shrug Rows: 3x12

Friday - Delts/Triceps
Military Press: 3x10
DB Seated Press: 3x8
DB Lat Raise: 3x10
DB Front Raise: 3x10
Reverse Fly: 3x12
Close Grip Bench: 3x10
Rope Pressdowns: 3x10

Updated, Feedback Please?

[quote]w-a-t-p wrote:
Monday - Quads/Hams/Calves
Barbell Squats: 4x(12-10-8-6)
Leg Extension/Leg Press Supersets: 3x8
Stiff Legged Deadlifts: 3x(10-8-6)
Lying Hamstring Curls: 3x8
Standing Calve Raises: 4x12

Tuesday - Chest/Biceps
Incline Smith Press: 4x8
Incline DB Flyes: 2x8
Flat DB Bench / Flyes: SuperSet 3x8
Chest dips: 3x8
Barbell Curls: 3x"21s(7-7-7)
Seated Incline DB Curls: 3x8
Single Arm DB Preacher Curls: 2x8

Thursday - Back/Traps
Barbbell Row: 3x8
Deadlifts: 3x8
Horizontal BB Pullup: 3x10
Assisted Pull Ups: 3x10
Hammer Pulldowns: 3x10
DB Shrugs: 3x12
Shrug Rows: 3x12

Friday - Delts/Triceps
Military Press: 3x10
DB Seated Press: 3x8
DB Lat Raise: 3x10
DB Front Raise: 3x10
Reverse Fly: 3x12
Close Grip Bench: 3x10
Rope Pressdowns: 3x10

Updated, Feedback Please?[/quote]

Howabout you actually do it and see if it works for you or not? I personally feel that is too much volume, but try it and then make any adjustments if necessary.

You will learn far more from actually trying it than asking people about it.

I have been testing it as we discuss, My main concern was chest day on the first one I posted, So I done it and I did complete the session but on the Incline Press my strengh was a few KG’s below what it would normaly be If i was doing the exercise itself but it’s always going to be if there is volume.

…and I’ve started today on the latest one I posted today, Mon: legs, So far so good!

Tuesday was done today, I’ve cut out the single arm preacher curls,

Incline Smith Press: 3x8
Incline DB Flyes: 3x8
Flat Press / Flyes: SuperSet 3x8
Chest dips: 3x8
Barbell Curls: 3x"21s(7-7-7)
Seated Incline DB Curls: 3x8