34 Yr Old, First Cycle, Classic "How Does This Look" Topic

Hello everyone
I’m 34 years old, 1.88 cm, 109 kg %18.5-19 BF
I’m a gym-rat for about 7 years on and off now.

I’m thinking about starting a
10 week Test-Enanthate 500 mg cycle divided in 2 injections a week, with HCG injections 250IU twice a week (1 day after test injection) and Arimidex 0.25 mg EOD
Have nolvadex and clomid for PCT nolva 40/20/20/20 clomid 50/50/50/50, have arimidex for possible side effects.

  1. Should i up the dosage of HCG?
  2. How does PCT look to you? Should I go nolva only?

really appreciate the help.

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I would do the HCG 3x a week at 250iu. mon/wed/fri for example.

I would only use one serm for PCT. Nolva would be my preference and i would do something along the lines of 20/20/20/20/10

Run adex and hcg from day 1 and start pct two weeks after last test injection.

Run HCG up until a few days before starting PCT


I’m really curious why don’t you run nolva and clomid together? can you explain a little?

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basic explanation

there isn’t a benefit to stacking SERMS, more is not better and this often leads to excessive aromatisation which is a problem when you finish PCt as the high estrogen will surpress your HPTA. It’s a typical broscience recommendation.

I prefer nolva over clomid because it is more powerfull mg per mg and also has less side effects in the majority of users. i have used both and neither caused any side effects for me.


but clomid is partial estrogen agonist. Isn’t it something we want when restarting htpa?

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Pex hit the nail on the head. I second this.

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after reading countless hours I finally concluded your answer is the best. thanks mate. I started my cycle but rather than arimidex I’m using aromasin 12.5 mg eod. Thank you again.

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Hi Mate - happy to help hope the cycle goes well.

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