-32, 6’ tall, 185lb, 33” waist. Probably 13% BF
-Full facial hair, light body hair came in slowly over last ten years
-Always been lean except put on 8lb in last year, probably distributed combination of muscle and fat
-No current Rx. Use nsaids for headaches which I get often recently. No prostate or hair loss drugs. During childhood used topical corticosteroids for years for eczema
-Diet is decent. Sugars and processed foods are limited. Could improve veggie intake, may average 5 servings/day
-Participate in sports multiple times per week, most weeks
-Testes never ache
-Morning wood markedly reduced in last 5 years. May have partial-full erection briefly every second morning. Erection quality during sex and masturbation reduced
-no AAS or test supplements ever
-Prone to dry skin which I take 2g/day of EPA/DHA for
-Also take 10k IU vitamin D
-Don’t use iodized salt but taking 1mg iodine supplements makes no change
-Morning body temperatures do not indicate thyroid issues
Sleep 7-9.5 hours nightly. Have taken sleep study, which looked OK (no apnea, 23% REM)
-Markedly reduced energy level throughout day.
-Low mood, irritable,
-Low motivation
-social withdrawal
-my symptoms (primarily energy, mood, concentration, motivation) are causing significant distress. I feel I am falling short of my potential.
-Struggled making gains in the gym, with proper nutrition. Gave up after two years of solid training, feeling I’d never be able to add more muscle or strength
-Scratchy dry eyes
-These symptoms are semi – chronic, waxing and waning throughout the year but may affect me half the time on average
-Clicking and grinding knees (no pain)
I am located in Canada. The doctors within the public system are quick to conclude depression. I have tried wellbutrin, Cymbalta, Lexapro, Adderall, and concerta which only made matters worse. I have tried yoga, meditation, and mindfulness based CBT, which are useful for partly managing some symptoms but hard to keep up. I suspect there is something deeper causing my depressive symptoms.
I had a phone consultation with an anti – aging clinic w180md. They have a $1000 annual fee plus prescriptions. There was no mention of SERMs – the dr suggested going straight to injectable test with aramidex and dessicated thyroid at 30mg. He mentioned hcg, hgh, melatonin, and dhea-s as likely additions also.
He said he’d like to see me at 1100 ng/dl and I would feel like a million bucks. Of course, this is what I want, but I am also sceptical what he is selling is too good to be true.
Labs (note differing units to USA)
WBC 5.7 4.0-10.0 109/L
RBC 5.38 4.20-5.40 1012/L
Hemoglobin 156 135-170 g/L
Hematocrit 0.47 0.40-0.50 L/L
MCV 87 82-98 fl
MCH 29 27.5-33.5 pg
MCHC 335 300-370 g/L
RDW 13.3 11.5-14.5 %
Platelet Count 164 150-400 109/L
Neutrophils 2.4 2.0-7.5 109/L
Lymphocytes 2.6 1.0-4.0 109/L
Monocytes 0.5 0.1-0.8 109/L
Eosinophils 0.1 0.0-0.7 109/L
Basophils 0 0.0-0.2 109/L
Granulocytes Immature 0 0.0-0.1 10*9/L
Cholesterol 4.72 2.00-5.19 mmol/L
LDL Cholesterol 3 1.50-3.40 mmol/L
HDL Cholesterol 1.44 >0.99 mmol/L
Chol/HDL (Risk Ratio) 3.28 <4.9
Non HDL Cholesterol 3.28 mmol/L
Triglycerides 0.61 <2.21 mmol/L
Homocysteine 9 <15 umol/L
Thyroid Function
TSH 2.09 0.32-5.04 mU/L
T4 Free 12.9 10.6-19.7 pmol/L
T3 Free 4.4 3.00-5.90 pmol/L
Pituitary Function
Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) 1.9 <9.5 IU/L
Luteinizing Hormone (LH) 2.7 1.1-8.8 IU/L
Adrenal Function
AM Cortisol 329 125-536 nmol/L
Tumour Markers
Prostate Specific Ag 0.76 <2.5 ug/L
Reproductive and Gonadal
Estradiol 57 <157 pmol/L
Progesterone 0.6 0.4-1.8 nmol/L
DHEA Sulphate 6.7 <15.0 umol/L
Testosterone 17.2 8.4-28.8 nmol/L
Serum Proteins
C Reactive Protein (High Sensitivity) 0.7 <4.8 mg/L
I’ve had 5 sets of labs in 5 years. Other results:
TSH: 0.78, 1.8, 2.1, 1.45 0.32-5.04
Total test: 14.2, 19, 14.3 8.4-28.8
B12 211, 276 150-600