Is it possible to complete the 30-10-30 program from home with basic equipment? Adjustable dumbbells up to 52.5 lbs, pull-up bar- various resistance bands. I would need to make some excersise subs so any advice would be great. 52 lb dumbbells might be too light but never completed long eccentrics. Thanks in advance.
Its definitely possible.The weight you have should be plenty.If you want to modify,you can consider–
- split lunges for leg press (30-10-30 each a side)
2)leg curls on a swiss ball for the machine leg curls
3)sissy squats for leg extensions
4)do the curls on an incline if you can
5)I did the pull-ups with the lightest band I could get 30-10-30 with
The key is concentrating/feeling the muscle contraction throughout the reps.Work on that mind-muscle connection–your goal is making the weight feel heavy and to use that weight to work the muscle;not the other way around.Good Luck.
Thanks! I was thinking heel elevated DB squats for leg extensions, stiff legged deadlifts or furniture slider hammy curls, push-ups instead of benches, and bent over db rows with a pause at top. Just wanted to see what the doctor says.
Not DR D but dont see why those wouldnt work.At times,I also did 2 exercises for a body part(trap bar deficit deadlifts and sissy squats for quads),pushups and dips for chest/triceps.
I’ve done home 30-10-30 workouts in the past with Pretty much the exact same setup. I actually think this program is great for people with limited equipment and weight, because it makes light weight feel heavy. Definitely a much easier way to build muscle with light weight than doing a million sets and reps (although that works too).
What subs did you use ?
Pretty basic, db floor Press instead of Bench, split squat instead of leg Extension, Dumbbell leg Curl instead of machine(or Romanian deadlift). I would also arrange the exercise order to be such that exercises that used the same or very similar weight would be put next to each other to keep rest time down and better fit the protocol.
Well if you have resistance bands check out Arjan Meijer Youtube channel. He has 30-10-30 workouts with bands. I’m using the bands now for 30-10-30. I think they work great for this.
Yeah, an issue with resistance bands it decreases as bands get shorter, I don’t think that creates a deeper inroad ? The whole point of 30 second negatives.
Yes it is , in fact I’ve found it to be a distinct advantage ,I’ve done this over the last 20 years in the Uk & my man cave is not entirely glamorous ,but it works a treat , db squats take take care of themselves , I use a t-squat bar ( 1”stainless steel tube ,large 2” washer welded on the base and a 1” 1ft removable cross piece held on by a bolt to remove when slotting 20kg trainer plates on it)
Stiff leg deadlift,takes care of the hams , golden rule of strength training !“try to reduce combining balance with weight training , accidents happen very quickly , so kick out the Swedish ball for the ladies classes ! . Push-ups for chest. Chins are self explanatory,but would be difficult for 30-10-30. Curls with BB single leg calf raise with DB .
I’ve found DB pull over a really great exercise for lats but most of the resistance is in the lower 3/4 of the movement, bent over row is better , Many years ago I found that the people traffic became way too inhibiting to keep any sort of a pace up . Hence at home training was a great investment . Hope that helps .
Dave [quote=“lionhearted721, post:1, topic:277545, full:true”]
Is it possible to complete the 30-10-30 program from home with basic equipment? Adjustable dumbbells up to 52.5 lbs, pull-up bar- various resistance bands. I would need to make some excersise subs so any advice would be great. 52 lb dumbbells might be too light but never completed long eccentrics. Thanks in advance.