In October I posted the typical “first-guy” post and began searching out providers.
Unsurprisingly, every internist, urologist, and endo said my lethargy, depression, bone pain, muscle weakness, loss of libido and erectile strength weren’t backed up by evidence. They ignored my 5 different blood tests consistently showing sky-high SHBG, low E2, and rock-bottom free testosterone. They recommended I take ED drugs for the rest of my life.
Luckily, after two of these tests, I was able to get Test-C injection covered through insurance. I’ve been on since January.
Prior to treatment, my relevant bloods looked like this:
Total T: 455.3 ng/dL [175-781 ng/dL]
Free T: 23.07 [35.0-92.6]
SHBG 68.48 nmol/l [13.3-89.5 nmol/L]
Estradiol 12.06 pg/mL [10.0-42.0 pg/mL]
The clinic wanted to start me on 220mg of Test-C once per week. I thought it was too high, and asked for a reduced dose, which they gave - 160mg 1/week. The first two weeks, I felt fantastic. The next four, I felt like absolute shit, although I was still able to gain strength, which had been impossible pre-treatment. After 8 weeks @ 160, my values were:
Total T > 1500 (probably above 2000, but the scale stops at 1500)
Free T 22.9 pg/mL [8.7-25.1]
SHBG 59.7 nmol/L [16.5-55.9]
Estradiol 43.9 pg/mL [7.6-42.6]
My pet theory is that the first two injections brought me into the “Goldilocks zone,” and the subsequent four pushed me into the stratosphere, hence feeling like shit. Unsurprisingly, they lowered my dosage to 130mg/week. After 6 weeks my labs looked like this:
Total T > 1500 ng/dL
Estradiol 50.0 pg/mL [7.6-42.6]
Limited labs were collected since it was only a 6-week course, so no SHBG, no free T.
They’ve now lowered me to 100 mg/week, and prescribed Arimidex .5mg, to be taken once weekly the day after my injection.
Those who are in the know - is the Arimidex a correct prescription and dosage to control high E2? Also, is there some reason I’m getting sky-high serum and E2 increases to TRT doses, or is that merely the (un)luck of the draw?