I completed my first cycle 2 months ago, which went pretty well. I used 500mg test e for 12 weeks and dbol 50mg ed the first 4 weeks. My bench went up from 365lbs to 425lbs, squat went from 505x1 to 585x1 and deadlift went from 525x1 to 625x1. Also gained 35lbs initially, lost some water weight since (went from 240lbs to 275lbs). PCT was difficult as I had the emotions of a pregnant woman for a month and it caused a lot of drama, but aside from that I entirely loved it all.
I got a lot of acne on my shoulders and back and my skin became oily as hell but my mood was amazing 24/7 and it really improved how I felt. I almost want to just stay on…
I’m thinking for a second cycle I either want to add deca or tren. Tren seems to be more extreme and has more potential for sides so I’m thinking I’ll save it for further down the road. My left knee gets tender every now and then so I was thinking of running the following cycle.
Test E 500mg / w (weeks 1-12)
deca 300mg / w (weeks 1-10)
dbol 50mg ed (weeks 1-6)
prami and arimidex to control prolactin and estro
Is 300mg too low and should I run the cycle for longer? Will deca require a longer PCT, say 6 weeks instead of 4, since it has the most profound impact on HPTA function, or am I misunderstanding being shut down? I’ve read even 1 shot of 100mg deca completely kills natural testosterone production, but high levels of exogenous test kills natural testosterone production too. Isn’t being shut down simply being shut down?
Has anyone ever run tren on their first or second cycle and can offer any personal observations?