Sunday 23rd November - General Workout - Week 6 - Day 1 - Lower Body 2 - Afternoon
Good workout! I’m finally starting to feel stronger and stronger, session to session. I haven’t felt this way in ages. Main changes - training smarter and more sleep!
WarmupCoreWork + Plyos
Rest - 30secs alternating between each exercise. 1min between pairs.
Back Extensions x8, +15lbs x8
Incline situps x8, +15lbs x8 with Russian twists to each side at the top, arms held outstretched in front with plates.
rest - 45secs
Low ankle jumps - 2x15
Med ankle Jumps - 2x10
rest - 1min
High ankle jumps - 2x5
Bulgarian Splitsquat ISO hold - 30secs each leg
Low Fullsquat Jump 2x10
Warmups - Powerclean + 5 HangPowercleans 89lbs,
Bar - a few hang powercleans and split jerks
Eye level drop jerks - bar 2x5
Rest - 2 mins
All with hookgrip, holding onto bar when racking.
PowerClean+ SplitJerk - 89lbs x2
PowerClean+ SplitJerk - 109lbs x2
PowerClean+ SplitJerk - 129lbs, 155lbs
rest - 1.5mins
PowerClean+ SplitJerk - 180lbs x 5 singles
I normally rack the bar with an open palm, today I held onto the bar, and it actually felt much easier, especially on the wrists.
In fact on some singles I kept the hookgrip from start to finish - from floor to rack, to top of the jerk and then back to the floor!
But it feels better when I remove the hookgrip after I rack it though.
Powerclean felt pretty easy. Jerks much more stable today, and my upperbody could lower it under better control. Eccentric strength is up.
Full Olympic Squat + Light Bands - RAW - in Chucks
Light Bands kicking in one inch off the bottom - wrapped around 25lb plate on the floor, with another 45 ontop.
Band tension - bottom 0lbs , top 120lbs (?)
Warmup sets
Bar x10, Bar+bandsx5, 95+bands x3, 135+bands x3
Tempo 10X0 rest - 2mins
185+bands x3, 205+bands x3, 225+bands x3, 245+bands x3, 265+bands x3
rest 3mins then
triple cluster set - tempo 20X0
135+bands - 3 reps, rerack/rest 10seconds, 3 reps, rerack/rest 10seconds, 3 reps
I did fullsquats today in chucks, and it shifted the stress to my lower back and glutes - bands probably adds to that as well.
Felt different. Chucks are an inch lower so I hit the safety pins on some reps and that disrupted things a bit - but that tells me I might have rounded a bit. Next setting is 3 inches down, which is not ideal.
Quite a bit of band tension, since they kick in right off the bottom of my fullsquat, and so I probbaly around 385lbs up top on the 265 set, but yet it didn’t feel that heavy. In the past I would have freaked out with the load pressing down on me.
I’m surprised I was able to explode 265lbs with bands up, it did slow down at the sticking point on the reps 2 and 3, but I still cranked it up. Top is still quite easy, but the middle was much harder with the bands - around the sticking point.
Bits and Pieces
Alternating sets between each exercise - 1min rest between
12inch Stepups
+12kg in dumbells 2x10 - each leg
Explosive GluteHam Raise on Incline Situp Board
2x5 - using hand to help
Supported Hanging Leg raise curlup extensions
Reverse Hypers
BW x12
mid torso fried!