Hi guys this is my second thread but I will include all the results I could get. I’m really worried about this low T thing, I feel like I’m half alive.
184cm or 6ft
Above average
-describe body and facial hair
lots of body hair all over, hairy chest, arms and legs. Facial hair grows at fast rate, but never really gets long. Body is stocky, I look built even tho I didn’t lift until recently. I have wide shoulders, muscular arms and a big barrel chested torso.
-describe where you carry fat and how changed
Hips, thighs, chest and belly. Was always like this but I managed to maintain a lower weight until now (I have trouble losing fat)
-health conditions, symptoms
Symptoms of depression and anxiety, anxiety I have managed to get over I think. I came off Lexapro/Celexa a month ago after using for 4. I feel fatigued, I have trouble falling asleep due to overactive mind. I don’t enjoy life as much. I feel weaker/less confident. I don’t enjoy sex as much, apart from some spurts I feel it’s a chore to do, and orgasms aren’t that great anymore. I used to be super horny. I get tired easily lifting.
-lab results with ranges
Prolactin: 151 mIU/L (45-375)
Free Thyroxine (Free T4): 14.3 pmol/L (10-19)
TSH: 1.63 mIU/L (0.50 - 4)
Free T3: 6.2 pmol/L (3.5-6.5)
Total Cholesterol: 3.8 mmol/L (0.0-5.5)
Triglyceride: 0.7mmol/L (0.5-2)
HDL : 1.5mmol/L (0.9-2.2)
LDL: 2.0mmol/L (<3.4)
Chol/HDL ratio: 2.5 (<5.0)
FSH: 2 IU/L (1-10)
LH: 4 IU/L (1-10)
Prog: 1.8 nmol/L (1.2-4.8)
Cortisol [4:45PM, 09/07]: 242 nmol/L (85-460)
Cortisol [10AM, 09/07]: 488 nmol/L (119-618)
Plasma Homocysteine: 7.4 umol/L (3.7-13.9)
Total Testosterone [09/07] 8.3nmol/L (8.3-30.2), after retest it was 8.6nmol/L, and last one was 9.9nmol/L
Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulphate: 8.6 umol/L (3-10.5)
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin: 16nmol.L (13-71)
Free Testosterone : 228pmol/L (225-725)
RBC Folate: 2593nmol/L (>800)
S fol 40.7 n/mol/L (6.0-45.0)
S total B12: pmol/L (200-700)
IGA (SE-Immunoglobulins) 4.07 g/L (0.7-4.0)
T Protein 80g/L (66-83)
SE-C-reactive protein: <3mg/L (<5)
Sensitive Oestradiol: 50 pmol/L (Prepubertal (M & F) <20 pmol.L, Postmenopausaul females 20-90, Adult Male 50-150)
T-Glutaminase <5 (-5) negative
Hameoglobin 155g/L (130-180)
Hct: 0.44 (0.39-0.51)
RBC: 5.0 x1012/L (4.3-5.8)
MCV: 88fL (80-100)
MCH: 31pg (27-34)
MCHC: 354 g/L (310-360)
RDW 13.4 (11-17)
Platelets 292x109/L (150-450)
White cells 7.1 x10*9/L (4-11)
Neutrophils 3.7 (2-7.5)
Lymphocytes: 2.8 (1-4)
Monocytes: 0.5 (0-1)
Eosineophiles: 0.1 (0-0.5)
Basophils: 0.1 (0-0.3)
NRBC 0/100WCC (<1)
Sodium 136mmol/L (135-145)
potassium 3.9 (3.5-5.5)
chloride 99 (95-110)
Bicarb 25 (20-32)
Urea 6 (3-7.5)
Creat. 80 umol/L (60-110)
T-BILI 10umol/L (4-20)
IRON 25 umol/L (26-41)
Ferritin 238 ng/ml (30-500)
eGFR >90ml
TRF 3g/L (2-3.2)
-describe diet
I eat a fairly healthy diet. Eggs, beef, chicken breast, olive/coconut/butter oil. Spinnach, avocado, lots of nuts. Very paleo with some treats here and there.
-describe training
I haven’t trained at all when I started feeling off, now I took up running and swimming again. And weight lifting. About 4 medium intensity sessions a week.
-how have morning wood and nocturnal erections changed
They haven’t really changed but not as strong and consistent as before.
Please tell me why I feel like sh*t, I’m 22 but I feel like I aged 10 years. I am trying to live healthier, I gave up pot a few months ago, cut down heavily on cigarettes. Used to drink daily, not once a week max and not too much. Doctor said he might prescribe me TRT but he said it may mess up my endocrine system.