hi guys i’m 22 on trt , i had my total test check it was 2.5 and they told it was normal , after 5 years of low T 1.4 , and a lot of depression meds , and a lot of money spent , for some reason i decided to check my blood work and with a lot of more money spend my doctor decided i should be on trt , he gave me 250mgs of test E every 2 weeks . i don’t feel anything i’m in my third week , after reading a lot i was thinking switching to proportionate test , what is the equivalent of 250mgs of e test to proportionate and is there is anyone with experience doing trt in a young age ? . i been fat all my life , tried to train but couldn’t do any good , so i’m 5.8 ft 220 pounds with a lot of fat and no mass , i’m thinking of upping the dose as a cycle since i won’t need any ptc , a couple a years back i did a mix test cycle felt amazing , but that was just one time and after i stooped i felt back as i used to and added more fat and more depression , i’m from a small city and still a student hope you guys give some much needed advice . hit i really could use this to turn my life around it been really hard thank you
FSH 3.19 miu/ml M (1.5-12.4)
LH 3.20 MIU/ml M (1.7-8.6)
E2 5.38 pg/ml (7.63-42.6)
prolactin 9.26 ng/ml ( 4.04 -15.2)
Total testestrone 2.4 ng/ml <50 :2.49 - 8.36)
SHBG 20.4 nmol/l <50 (18.3 - 54.1)
thyroid profile
Free T3 3.45 pg/ml 2.0-4.4
free T4 1.31 ng/dl 0.93 - 1.70
Tsh 1.55 uiu/ml 0.27-4.20
free Test 51.9 50- 300
cortisol 12.2 am 5-25 ug/dl
DHEa 641 ng/dl M 180-1250
T chrestrol 240 normal less than 200
HDl 58 lower risk > 55
LDl 155
Triglycerides 135 40 -135
Your testosterone levels posted do us little good, we do not know if they are free or total test. We do not know the units of measures, in addition ranges are recommended. Before making any changes I would do a bit of research on here. First lets talk about what you are taking since it is to late to get your baseline LH and FSH. Also I hope you did get a full CBC and thyroid panel (If so please post the results). Testosterone does not work instantly. The benefits will increase over the course of many months. First to improve is often sexual function then comes energy and mental health over the course of six months. You are currently taking, I assume, 1ML of 250mg testosterone enanthate every other week. This ester is nearly identical in half life to test cyp at 7 days ±1.5 days depending on metabolic and other functions. This gives the ester smooth ups and downs which lends to greater tolerability. The issue with taking this ester at twice its half life that it causes great “peaks and valleys” in serum concentrations. This large peaks have an effect on Sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) by lowering this level greatly. With SHBG low in the blood the testosterone does not bind making more free testosterone. While one would think this is a good thing, it really makes keeping steady serum testosterone and estrogen difficult (yes estrogen is important in men). To prevent this reduction in SHBG, one can smooth out the “peaks and valleys” ins serum concentrations. This is accomplished by greater frequency of of injection. Weekly injections of 125mg test e would not only assist in keeping SHBG within reference range, it will also reduce estrogen levels because the peak of test is not so outrageous. That pesky aromatase enzyme can slow its business down if the peaks are lower. To further smooth out the peaks and valleys, many on this site will recommend twice weekly injections of half the weekly amount. So for you that would be 62.5mg twice per week which would further assist in keeping SHBG at a healthy level. Many here not only inject twice per week but they also do subcutaneous injection so there is greatly reduced concern for scar tissue buildup. With this last protocol I understand we have members doing twice weekly injections of 50mg and no not need an aromatase inhibitor (AI). Back to estrogen, yes it is important. The target here is 24pg/ml, lower than 20pg/ml begins hot flashes, mood issues and erection quality concerns and a level north of 30 does the same for most men. What else before I get tot the test prop? Oh your 22, are you taking HCG? If not fertility will very soon become an issue. You may not want kids today but someday you might and if you shut the boys down for to long with TRT they may not come back online.
Test prop has a 4 day half life ±22hours, so to smooth out those aforementioned peaks and valleys you would need to inject every 4 days (to equate roughly with the results of Test e weekly) or every other day (to equate to the twice weekly protocol of test e). Talk about building scar tissue ouch!
Now please read the stickies and add the needed information to your post. Have a great day @snownet
grungephreak is right, injections every two weeks won’t work out too well do to the constant fluctuation of your hormone levels that will get worse with time, as your body adjusts to the testosterone the peak and dips will become more intense. These insane protocols were some of the first introduced when clinical trials began long ago, any doctor still using them is stuck in the past and doesn’t stay up to date of the latest advances in medicine, these type of doctors remain cluelessly ignorant for most of their career and are to be avoided unless they show a willingness to learn. If they look at you funny when you mention an AI or HCG, it’s probably time to walk out of the doctor’s office immediately. Whenever you inject that much testosterone you T peaks 24-48 hours and shorty after that your estrogen peaks and if you’re E2 peaks too high it inhibits testosterone’s effect on the body and you feel worse than before you started, most endo’s don’t understand this fact.
thank you so much for replying and well firs here are the test results the newest ones
FSH 3.19 miu/ml M (1.5-12.4)
LH 3.20 MIU/ml M (1.7-8.6)
E2 5.38 pg/ml (7.63-42.6)
prolactin 9.26 ng/ml ( 4.04 -15.2)
Total testestrone 2.4 ng/ml <50 :2.49 - 8.36)
SHBG 20.4 nmol/l <50 (18.3 - 54.1)
thyroid profile
Free T3 3.45 pg/ml 2.0-4.4
free T4 1.31 ng/dl 0.93 - 1.70
Tsh 1.55 uiu/ml 0.27-4.20
free Test 51.9 50- 300
cortisol 12.2 am 5-25 ug/dl
DHEa 641 ng/dl M 180-1250
T chrestrol 240 normal less than 200
HDl 58 lower risk > 55
LDl 155
Triglycerides 135 40 -135
that’s all the results . there are other sperm anlysss and blood tests cbc
but on those results she dicded on TRT
i don’t mind using AI
i want to lose wight and get my life in order even if i have to up the dose for a while
and i know about estorgen and all that i did a 12 weeks cycle with tren and provien and winny , with no test . it was stupid but i felt best i have ever felt in my entire life . now i just want to get my life in order i want to do a 120mg a week propinate . inside of E for muscle gain and fat loss . while taking test E as well , and drop the propinate after the E kicks in as in a couple of weeks . hence wight has an iusse in my work , + my mental health is really F up i just want to feel like a normal person and that doc is only one in my city which i found by pure luck
i was thinking about every week 200mgs test E . but i want fast results , i don’t know how to say i know what is right is to wait but i really found hope and that i could catch a break . those years were hell , to sum it up i’m sorry to say this , it was i had no reason to live ashamed hate myself , plus i don’t have the courage to end it . i was gonna stay on T by myself when i found that doc , i don’t want to something stupid but i really really want to feel better as fast as i can . so after a lot of research i sumed it up to propitiate test until E works and up the dose to lose wight and adujst it from there to the right dose plus on taking 0.5 adex 2 times a week don’t know about DHT blocker or not since i’m young . with tren and other steroids didn’t really have any side effects at all . i was doing 200mg tren a week and high dose of the other stuff . it felt amazing but i hit rock bouttom really fast after i stoped . the Q is gonna be a problem if i do the propitiate with E then stop the propinate after a couple of weeks then the E would have kicked in ?
You’re going to require injection at least twice weekly or even EOD do to your SHBG hovering at the bottom of the range, your excreting some of your testosterone into your urine that your body never receives, this is why we low SHBG guys inject more frequently. That huge dose of test is driving your SHBG down, SHBG regulates and activates sex hormones and when it starts getting lower you start to feel less of the effects of your free T. Smaller more frequent injections should allow you to increase your SHBG a little and you should feel even better, most doctors are clueless when it comes to SHBG.
----> https://naturalbiohealth.com/2015/05/06/shbg-critical-to-your-health/
those tests before TrT . i have no problem with EOD i have an insulin needle got that a covered about scars and all that i can trade anything for just feeling ok
I use 27 gauge 1/2 insulin syringes in the shoulders, it works great. If those were tests before you started TRT I can assure your SHBG is quite a bit lower which isn’t good. In this case I would strongly recommend EOD injections. My SHBG pre-TRT was 25 and now rests in the upper teens.
i don’t mind the frequent injecting . but do you see that my plan is good to go ? . and i think test propitiate is fast acting will make me feel better right away
Most guys start out 100mg weekly and most split it up depending on where their SHBG is at, twice weekly, EOD and if it’s really low ED. 200mg a week causes a lot of problems for most, start out on 100mg weekly splitting it up EOD. Then get labs 4-6 weeks and see where you’re at, you may or may not need an AI to control your E2.
E or propnaite ?
and HCG for kids wise . she said i would start it when i want to have kids that i won’t be a problem , should i do it anyway while doing TRT ,
The idea is your testes won’t turn into clumps of raisins and atrophy, you don’t want your testes pulling up tight do you?
i don’t understand what dose that mean
if they are going to be small i don’t care as long as if i wanted to have kids some day , i would be able to
so what i sumed up from you is i should do propitiate equivalent to 100mgs a week and split them EOD , is that correct ? . i’m really sorry i’m a bit annoying i just have no clue what to do , and there is no doctors to turn to
i bought a HCG 5000 uni . gonna split them with 10 ml water into 500Ui per mil should i take that EOD , or what