Hey guys-
Many of you have given me great advice on this forum. I’ve decided to start the TRT journey, and wanted to get some insight on my protocol.
age - 28
height - 6’2”
waist - 32"
weight - 205 (used to walk around at a lean 220, lost down to 198, have gained some back)
describe body and facial hair - (pretty thick facial hair but grows slower/less thick these days? Gaps in beard now? Low body hair
describe where you carry fat and how changed - Pretty lean- when I do carry fat, it typically comes in the chest area first, then around the lower back/love handles
health conditions, symptoms [history]
-Rx and OTC drugs, any hair loss drugs or prostate drugs ever — no hair loss or any other drugs. Used to really drink heavy- possible cause of high SHBG? Last fall I started dropping weight quickly after a trip to Colombia. Thought at first it could
Be a parasite. Libido dropped, gradually, and no morning wood. Still get erections easily- but not full. Sex not on the mind. People began asking (and stil do) if I was sick- that’s the kind of mass I I’ve been losing (I’m a decent sized guy with a solid build, have turned thin/frail). Finally put two and two together, saw docs, and found out my SHBG was astronomically high- eating up all my test. Main symptoms: brain fog, no focus, weight/mass loss, libido loss, no morning wood, no motivation in general.
-lab results with ranges –
TT: 767 (264-916)
FT: 10.4 (9.3-26.5)
LH: 5.7 (1.7-8.6)
FSH: 10.7 (1.5-2.4)
Estradiol: 18.2 (7.6-42.6)
SHBG 95.2 (15.6-55.9)
T4: 5.6 (4.5-12.0)
T3: 85 (71-180)
DHEA: 303.5 (138-475.2)
TSH: 1.35 (.450-4.5)
DHT: 80 (30-85)
-describe diet — Very clean. High protein, moderate carb, moderate-high fat. Lots of red meat, green veggies, healthy fats, rice and sweet potatoes for carbs. Don’t track anymore, but stay around 3500-4200 cals/day. At least 265g protein/day. At least 100g fat/day. Supplement with whey/casein, tyrosine, carntine, betaine, omega, multi, ZMA, BCAA, probiotic, vitamin d, boron, etc
-describe training - Weight train 5x a week 75min. Heavy strength days two days, hypertrophy two days, miscellaneous day or body weight day. Sprints once a week and walking lunges a couple times a week are only cardio.
-testes ache, ever, with a fever? No
-how have morning wood changed? Gradual change- but no morning wood anymore. When I first started taking Boron, I had a couple mornings where I did, but boron’s effects seem to diminish for me after a while. Have upped the dose and see a boost each time that halts.
Libido- Not gone but low- able to get erection fairly easily, but not full like it used to be. Low volume. Not thinking about sex at all.
I was initially prescribed anavar at 25mg/day to lower shbg. After a while I gave in and took it at 12.5mg…the 3rd day I woke up feeling like someone wiped the fog off the windshield. Energy in the morning, better workouts, slight improvement in erections. I know anavar isn’t a long term solution- but the difference I felt made me realize it’s time to take the TRT route. No longer taking var and looking to start TRT at the following protocol:
Monday: 200mg Test C
Tuesday: .5mg anastrozole
Wednesday: .5mg anastrozole
Thursday: 250iu hcg
Friday: 250iu hcg
My biggest question- do I need anastrozole at all with my E levels being what they are? My doc thinks 1mg/week won’t be too much, esp with the high dose of T. Other concern- is this the best way to lay out the protocol? I’ve seen many people on the forums inject hcg EOD, and take anastrozole EOD, also guys who do HCG on the day of T injection. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I travel often for work (typically mon-thurs , so an efficient protocol where I’m not dragging hcg through the airport every week would be great. I also have a 10 day international trip coming up, and am wondering if I would be ok missing a dose of hcg?
Thank you guys for any input you may have!