22 Y/O. Testosterone Cycle Advice..

hello everybody. i am thinking of doing a testosterone enanthate cycle.This will be my first cycle.

I will be injecting 500mg test every week for 10-12 weeks
on cycle- arimidex , eod .50 mg
pct - 2-3 shots of hcg , 1000 iu in a span of 10-12 days. and then clomid + nolva for a month.

i have been training regularly for the past 5 years. my current weight is 198 lbs with about 11% bodyfat. Have been reading about roids since 1 year and i think i have gained a lot of knowledge on how to use them correctly. i know it is said to wait till 25 but i cant wait that long as i have to get ripped cozz i wanna try in modelling so cant wait for 3 more years.

moreover , i think i have reached my genetic potential. i am not able to increase my muscle size anymore without gaining lots of fat which i dnt want. i have 16 inches arms. with slightly visible abs and obliques but not very sharp and defined. my 1 rep max on benchpress in 220 lbs & millitary press is around 150 lbs for 2-3 reps.

i eat a lot. i take around 150g protein . 400-500g carbs . and 80-100g fat … also i think that my natural test levels will not increase anymore because i feel same i am at the same hornyness level that i felt 2 years back which is pretty high . so i dnt think it is going to increase anymore.

so if i do this cycle will my hpta will be able to recover ? or there is chance of permanent low test ??? should i go for it ? will be waiting for ur advice guys. help me out … thanksss


your cycle is fine.

Are you sure this is a career path you intend to take?

Post a pic.

There is always a risk. This is why you have to be certain you want to use for a good reason and not for short term gratification.

And from what you’ve achieved naturally, you don’t have enough love nor drive for this sport to be doing it long term, so the good reason better be your career.

i don’t think a model should need steroids but if that’s what you want to do, go ahead

You are 198lbs, 11% BF and you bench 220 for 1RM? I see.

[quote]aesthetics_sexy wrote:
hello everybody. i am thinking of doing a testosterone enanthate cycle.This will be my first cycle.

my current weight is 198 lbs with about 11% bodyfat.

moreover , i think i have reached my genetic potential. i am not able to increase my muscle size anymore without gaining lots of fat which i dnt want. i have 16 inches arms. with slightly visible abs and obliques but not very sharp and defined.

i eat a lot. i take around 150g protein . 400-500g carbs . and 80-100g fat [/quote]

^ this is what I see wrong with original post. 198lbs only taking in 150g protein and 4-500g carbs? No wonder you aren’t building any more muscle without putting on fat. Change your diet first. With macro ratios like that, I could see you just getting fat on cycle lol

[quote]Igs wrote:
You are 198lbs, 11% BF and you bench 220 for 1RM? I see.[/quote]


I call BS
you have NO idea WTF you are talking about
200lbs at 11% bodyfat, training 5years and can only bench 220lbs max and 150lbs for 2-3 reps. I used to rep sets of 7 reps with 155lbs overhead presses and bench 210lbs when I was 140lbs

150g’s of protein and 500g’s carbs and you want to be a model? You say you are at your gentic limit because you can’t build muscle without gaining fat? I didn’t think gay male models lived on high carb diets and little to no protein

You don’t need steroids you need some education. At 200lbs and 11% bodyfat you could easily get “ripped” following what EVERY male model does; a paleo style diet with HIIT training or fasted cardio

SO much wrong here it isn’t funny

AND you measure your testosterone levels by your “horniness” …Dafuk man?

no man. i absolutely love bodybuilding. Have a look at my natty progress…

its about looking ur best on stage mate. having a ripped physique is always a plus in this profession

I am gaining right now thats why i have upped my carb intake. And u r saying to go on a paleo diet and HIIT which will burn my muscles. Steroids are needed to maintain muscles while dieting mate . thats why i am thinking of using some test .

actually i am gaining right now thats why i have upped my carb intake. when i’ll start my cycle i will keep a check on my carb intake. how much should i take on cycle ? my goal on cycle is to get ripped

pic 2

pic 3

god babe ur so haawwwwt

[quote]eatliftsleep wrote:
i don’t think a model should need steroids but if that’s what you want to do, go ahead[/quote]
its about looking the best on stage mate. having a ripped body is always a plus

[quote]Yogi wrote:
god babe ur so haawwwwt[/quote]
haha thanks brah!

[quote]dt79 wrote:

Are you sure this is a career path you intend to take?

Post a pic.

There is always a risk. This is why you have to be certain you want to use for a good reason and not for short term gratification.

And from what you’ve achieved naturally, you don’t have enough love nor drive for this sport to be doing it long term, so the good reason better be your career.[/quote]
no man . i absolutely love bodybuilding. i gained about 15kg of pure muscle in 4 years. its just that i am not able to increase my strength anymore than this. may be its my genetic limit. my chest is a bit weak (in strength) as compared to other bodyparts

[quote]aesthetics_sexy wrote:

[quote]dt79 wrote:

Are you sure this is a career path you intend to take?

Post a pic.

There is always a risk. This is why you have to be certain you want to use for a good reason and not for short term gratification.

And from what you’ve achieved naturally, you don’t have enough love nor drive for this sport to be doing it long term, so the good reason better be your career.[/quote]
no man . i absolutely love bodybuilding. i gained about 15kg of pure muscle in 4 years. its just that i am not able to increase my strength anymore than this. may be its my genetic limit. my chest is a bit weak (in strength) as compared to other bodyparts[/quote]

Genetic limit???

You look like you are just finished with your beginner gains.

This is what I’m talking about. When shit gets a little tougher guys like you immediately turn to drugs instead of educating yourselves on training and diet and finding ways to understand your body to constantly progress.

Let’s cut the crap and just say you need the roids for your profession and you want to minimise risks.

Test prop 100mg EOD Weeks 1-8
Winstrol 50mg ED Weeks 1-8
Adex 0.25mg EOD through out. Increase or decrease as needed.

PCT like you wrote above. Begin in week 9.