22 with No T

Prolactin can be elevated from a pituitary adinoma. That can lower LH/FSH and thus T. All young men with secondary hypogonadism should be tested for elevated prolactin.

You need to lower E2 with anastrozole. E2=80 would be a good target. E2=189 could easily cause these problems:

  • low libido
  • moody/depressed
  • short tempered
  • not loosing fat as expected or adverse fat patterns
  • most of the symptoms of low T can return with high E2

Why is E2 high? E2 is cleared by the liver, so that is not right. Can be a liver condition or medications that interfere with livers ability to clear E2.

How are your oral body temperatures responding to your thyroid meds? If body temps are low, rT3 may be blocking fT3. See the thyroid basics sticky.

The stickies are now located here: About the T Replacement Category - #2 by KSman