Let me start by saying something important here. I realize a lot of new members and beginners browse this section to get advice, tips and to see other user’s experiences. I need to emphasize that this cycle is in no way acceptable for a beginner. Novice users should use any information for research only.
I have used every compound listed below and I know exactly how my body reacts to each one of them. This gives me an advantage over someone who’s never used them and couldn’t identify what compound is causing sides.
The following cycle is only for the truly advanced and should not be used by those who have not completed several smaller cycles successfully.
For beginner cycles, please visit the Educational Section and research there. This cycle is not recommended, not even for your 3rd, 4th or 5th cycle.
Let’s get down to the details…
* CYCLE DURATION (22 Weeks):
Start Date: April 1st, 2014
End Date: September 17th, 2014
Notes: Cycle duration may be cut to 20 weeks.
Age: 26
Height: 6’ 0"
Weight: 221 LBS
Body Fat%: 11.44%
Lean: 195.64 LBS
Fat: 25.24 LBS
TDEE: 3994
Training: 11 years
TRT Patient: Yes
Notes: Body Fat calculated via Dexa Scan as of 26/03/2014 - Monthly calculations will follow.
Weeks Compound Weekly Dose Pin Frequency Lab
1 to 22 Primo 1050 mg 300 mg EOD
1 to 12 Test E 500 mg 250 mg x2 EW
1 to 12 Tren E 500 mg 250 mg x2 EW
1 to 10 Var 700 mg 100 mg ED
8 to 18 Mast 700 mg 200 mg EOD
12 to 22 Test P 700 mg 100 mg ED
12 to 20 Tren A 525 mg .75 mg ED
20 to 22 Tren A 700 mg 100 mg ED
14 to 20 Winny 350 mg .50 mg ED
20 to 22 Winny 700 mg 100 mg ED
1 to 22 Anastrozol 0.5 mg EOD
20 to 22 Anastrozol 1.0 mg EOD
1 to 12 hCG 500 iu 250 iu E3D
12 to 22 hCG 750 iu 250 iu E3D
22 to 26 PCT (see below)
1 to 2 T3 @ 50 50 75 75 75 75 100 mcg ED
1 to 10 Clen @ 60 60 80 80 100 100 120 mcg ED
1 to 10 Keto @ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 mg EN
2 to 18 T3 @ 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 mcg ED
10 to 12 Keto @ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 mg EN
12 to 22 Clen @ 60 60 80 80 100 100 120 mcg ED
12 to 22 Keto @ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 mg EN
20 to 21 T3 @ 100 100 100 75 75 75 75 mcg ED
21 to 22 T3 @ 50 50 50 25 25 25 25 mcg ED
Notes: All gear on hand - additional vials and tabs are available just in case.
* ON HAND: Prami, Letro, Tamox, TB 500
Notes: Although I’ve used all compounds in this cycle previously, I’ve never needed items on hand.
* PCT: Clomid - 100/50/50/50
Tamoxifen - 40/20/20/20
GHRP-2 - dosages are individual dependent
Sermorelin (GRF 1-29) - dosages are individual dependent
Mk-2866 - dosages are individual dependent
Notes: PCT begins 3 days after last pin.
* INJECTION SPOTS: Quads, Delts, Lats, Traps, Glutes, Pecs (that’s 19 rotations max)
Notes: As much as I hate forearms, I may have to incorporate them at some point.
Day 1 Shoulders, Traps, Delts, Abs
Day 2 Chest, Tri’s
Day 3 Back, Bi’s, Abs
Day 4 Legs
Day 5 OFF
30 minutes fasted AM run @ 6.5mph ED.
30 minutes varying incline (6 to 15%) walk @ 4.2mph ED except Leg days.
Calories 4.2k for 12 weeks, 3.5k for 10 weeks
Protein 275-300
Carbs 350-400
Fats 70
Liquid Intake 4 Liters of Water
Cheat Day Sunday (2800 calorie day)
Veggies: Asparagus, Broccoli, lettuce, spinach, Zucchini, Eggplant, Green beans, okra, sweet potatoes, Lima beans, Chickpeas, lentils, peas.
Proteins: Lean beef, chicken, tuna, salmon, duck, turkey.
Fruits: Bananas & the Berry group.
Also, almonds, almond butter, oats, brown rice, almond milk and tons of egg whites in all forms.
NO protein shakes, No milk, NO bread.
Meals will be every 2 to 3 hours.
Notes: Meals are being prepared for me during the 6 month cycle. Lucky me.
* GOAL AT END OF CYCLE: Under 8% Body Fat and over 240 lbs.
I understand that everyone wants to see pictures. If you’ve seen my posts on other boards, you will remember that I suffer from post hyper pigmentation. This is one of 2 reasons why I feel uncomfortable posting pictures.
The second reason is because I have over 100 employees and will not risk posting pictures. For all I know they might be on this forum.
HOWEVER. I will be sharing photos in private with select members. Most likely mid to post cycle. So please, don’t ask
Lastly, as you see above, this cycle will not start until April 1st, 2014. So until then, I can answer any questions you may have. Due to the length of this cycle, I will make weekly updates from day one. Since I know how primo and mast work for me, I’ll switch to updating multiple times per week when these compounds start cranking.
Blood Work scheduled for Monday. Results will be posted. Will be getting bloods 3 times during this cycle.
I probably forgot a few things here and there in this post. So I will update as I notice any errors, missing info.