[quote]kamui wrote:
[quote]SexMachine wrote:
Yet he kills Norwegian children not Muslims.
Actually he’s not REALLY a crusader. Truly. His ‘mindset’ is batshit.
Yet he kills Norwegian kids not Muslims. Batshit.
Yet he kills Norwegian kids who should also be the ‘enemy of (his) enemy’ and therefore his friend. Again, batshit.
This guy is not a ‘soldier’. He’s not a guerrilla fighter either. He’s a batshit insane, coward and mass murderer.[/quote]
I just wanted to interject on this. I have been mulling over why someone with such deep seated political beliefs against Eurabia, and obviously so well researched in his ‘insurrection,’ would have chose the targets he did.
Let me explain why I think he did so.
I don’t think the man is bat shit insane, any more than a suicide bomber in 9/11 is. He’s politically inflammed and projecting internal struggles and anger into it. If that is abnormal, then more or less anyone involved in any sort of political protest is also insane. Our murderer here however, took it to the nth extreme, in the same way Osama bin laden or any other has.
To continue on topic;
In his situation of trying to make a ‘political statement’ for his ideology he has three choices.
- Attack Muslims.
- False-flag operation on right-wing group.
- Attack state and political party responsible for this ‘Eurabia Project’ he speaks of.
If he attacked Muslims, the outcome would be backlash by Muslims perhaps, however this backlash would be seen as justified by those ‘lefists’ he opposed and further the propaganda of ‘victimization’ that they play up. This would not trigger a civil war, but rather result in some incidents, but ultimate be politically taken advantage of to further multiculturalism. I mean, did the Danish cartoon controversy change these ‘marxists’ mind he speaks of? I think he has realized that initiating said attack would be a lost cause.
If he did a false-flag operation, it would have been effective only if he were not caught, and no more effective than those that have already occurred. The Madrid Bombings, Van Gogh assassinaton and 9/11 did not sway the European governments to disallow Muslim immigraton so why would his, probaby lesser attack, do any more damage?
An effective attack perhaps on a right wing party headquarters, could stir the sentiment he wished to incite but the only problem woudld be, as stated in his manifesto, that being revealed or caught is an 80-90% probablity…thus, any attack would ultimately backfire, and essentially do nothing but alienate those of his political persuasion.
The final choice, attacking the political party that is ‘Marxist’ is what he chose. If you’ll notice, he blew up the building on a holiday, intentionally avoiding casualities in that blast. This youth camp was several days, so he could have intitiated this attack on a day when the building was occupied. This was either for logistical or ideological reasons. I am leaning towards ideological as his delivery was not something particularly intensive. He wanted to destroy the building without killing people of the right wing persuasion.
Now his opus sanginarius that followed was difficult to figure out, but I do believe there was quite a bit of thought behind it. I think I’ve got it figured out. He attacked the political party because it was more direct than attacking the Muslims. The Muslims will be Muslims, they do as they do, but the political party is an accountable construction that has enabled an created their presence, thus from his point of view, they are to be held responsible.
He targeted an island full of ONLY people of that political persuasion. The fact they were teens was probably not taken into consideratio by himbecause the age demographic he is trying to reach for his ‘revolution’ are teens and 20 year olds. They have yet to have kids and near to that age group, so don’t view these people as ‘children.’
The man is not trying to appeal to those at large to join his cause, but rather draw out those in the gradients of his hateful mindset that harbour the same discontent for the young foreigners, and ‘traitor’ Norwegians that he himself despises. He is appealing to a School Shooter demographic, not the one at large.
His choice of attacking the youth was also politically advantageous because it moved this from a week news clip, to something into the international spotlight, as the fact these kids were around 15-19 makes this so much more shocking to the world at large…thus spreading his ideology to the demographic, who doesn’t care that they were that age.
I think more thought went into this, than those of you who simply think this man was loopy loopy loony toons think.
When is mass murder never insane? I don’t think chocking this off as mere madness is analyzing it properly. The man put real thought into this. I think 1500 pages, half of which are very will researched statistics and facts indicated this.