20 Years Old, Second Show Prep

awesome dude…

*Finished 5th, sorry.
Unfortunately my plane came in late and I didnt get to weighins in time to order any show pics.

Right now workouts are short, about an hour. In a month ro so Ill be back to about 3 hour workouts, with the warm up and everything.

Hey man, keep it up and I’m sure you’ll be winning contests or at least placing top 3! Get that conditioning down for next time and those legs!

dude ur back is amazing… great work. bring up your bicep peaks for some “umph.”

Watch out for the pimples on your back. Doing roids and thats all you got? Damn without roids I got to 235 at 5’8 with striations, you should get into a different business.

[quote]cs80918 wrote:
Watch out for the pimples on your back. Doing roids and thats all you got? Damn without roids I got to 235 at 5’8 with striations, you should get into a different business.[/quote]


So far great job dude. I personally want to be beyond your level at the age of 20 but we all have different goals right. As far as criticism goes id say hit the legs twice a week this offseason (i myself have found great success splitting quads and hamstrings as much as possible). I also think you should beef up the chest and traps a bit more. Traps can never be too big imo lol. Oh and i forgot to mention the biceps! You need more peak on those guys, especially for 18"s. It may just be your delts though. I had the same problem, my delts were higher than my bis. I switched my routine to doing back alone and bis with my chest day. I noticed a huge difference in my bicep strength and size after just a month.

[quote]cs80918 wrote:
Watch out for the pimples on your back. Doing roids and thats all you got? Damn without roids I got to 235 at 5’8 with striations, you should get into a different business.[/quote]

Ignore him. Great size, especially at your age. Too bad you came in for a soft landing but if you follow prisoner’s advice and stick to where you are now you’ll look amazing when you diet down for your next show.

awesome bro, im tryin to go for similar stats myself, good to see wat 220 lean pounds looks like on a similar frame