2 Years Progress, Advice?

I started lifting in May of 2012, at 18 years of age. I was a cross country runner and triathlete in high school-- I weighed about 125 soaking wet when I first picked up a dumbbell. From there I basically wasted my first few months dicking around, then found T Nation, started learning stuff, etc., etc.

In August 2012 I started a power building type of program, heavy sets first and then hypertrophy training afterwards, and I’ve essentially stuck to that approach since then. I’ve been squatting 2-4 times a week, benched 2-3 times a week, and deadlifted once a week. My goals are to get stronger in these three lifts and, obviously, to end up pretty big and pretty lean.

I recently hurt my back squatting so I’m going to stay away from deadlifts and back squats for a while to let it heal up. It seems natural at this point to switch to a higher volume, hypertrophy focused program until I can go heavy in those two lifts again.
I’m thinking six days/week, push legs pull x2

~3,000 cal/day maintenance. Estimated 35% protein, 35% fat, 30% carbs. Lots of steak, chicken breast, whole eggs, broccoli, spinach, hummus, olive oil, peanut butter. No dairy, no gluten.
At the moment I’m trying to decide whether to cut before putting on more muscle or to eat my way up to 200 before trying to lean out. My body fat seems to be fairly high (see pics). What do you guys think?

Current stats:
5’6-7, 185 lb. (Max weight of 191 in February, leaned out a little since).
Shoulders: 48 inches
Chest: 41 inches
Waist (around belly button): 35 inches
Thighs: 25 inches
Arms: 14.5 inches
Calves: 14 inches
-Obviously I’m not very symmetrical. My legs and back are much more developed than, say, my arms, which I do a lot of volume for but won’t seem to grow.

Forgot to upload other pics

BTW my current lifts are:
Squat: 345
Bench: 215
Deadlift: 405

3 (forgive poor posing)


One for the road

Keep gaining. Nothing looks especially disproportionate to me, you just need to more size. Your arms need heavy ass weight to grow, the same as your back and legs… do not read articles on arm training and get confused. Get strong on bench press, dips, lying tri extensions, pushdowns… barbell curls, dumbbell curls, pinwheel curls… do BODYBUILDING BASICS and get strong as fuck, that’s all that matters. Don’t forget to train your traps and rear delts, so your shoulders stay healthy. Train abs, train calves, do laterals. Learn to recruit your lats. Don’t leave shit out, you’ll regret it a few years down the road. Bulk up, cut down, learn… then do it again older and wiser.

Just my 2 cents.

[quote]Quick Ben wrote:
Keep gaining. Nothing looks especially disproportionate to me, you just need to more size. Your arms need heavy ass weight to grow, the same as your back and legs… do not read articles on arm training and get confused. Get strong on bench press, dips, lying tri extensions, pushdowns… barbell curls, dumbbell curls, pinwheel curls… do BODYBUILDING BASICS and get strong as fuck, that’s all that matters. Don’t forget to train your traps and rear delts, so your shoulders stay healthy. Train abs, train calves, do laterals. Learn to recruit your lats. Don’t leave shit out, you’ll regret it a few years down the road. Bulk up, cut down, learn… then do it again older and wiser.

Just my 2 cents.[/quote]

x2 just keep hittig it hard & focusing on good whole foods. Your not ‘fat’, no need to cut. Let the diet & training run its course for a while. If you need to, maybe add in a day or 2 of wind sprints for conditional & damage control.

Sounds to me like you’re kicking ass. You’re young and have made some good gains. Keep it at. You might come across some bumps in the road along the way, but keep it at