2 Weeks to Shredded Question

I am coming down the stretch with last two weeks of very low carbs, and I am hoping a couple folks here will help hold me accountable for finishing strong.

Since 28-Dec-2011, I have been carb cycling and following CT’s Superhero program. I have lost 15lbs (205 to 191) and have seen my weights go up in all the strength lifts in that program. Also, my waist went from 39.5" to 36" (I have a really thick core. I tell myself it’s from decades of Powerlifting), while my arms stayed at 16.5" and my quads 24.5" to 24".

So far, I have been eating “clean” to get 200g of protein every day, and 70-80g of fat. On my four training days I get carbs at about 200g, and on my three off days I keep carbs to 100-110g. I use the LoseIt! app for iPhone to keep track of everything. As a numbers geek, I have great charts of all this over the last 9 weeks. I have no measurements for actual BF other than my waist, and I periodically do a pinch on my gut near the navel to see if things are going the right direction. I carry most of my weight there - I have veins in my arms and legs (including my quads for the first time) but I have >25mm of “pinch” at the navel. (Cortisol, stress, blah blah… I have three daughters, so what can I say?)

Now, for the next two weeks, I am trying to do the Shelby Starnes “Two weeks to shredded” for my last two weeks. Here’s my plan:
Today, Fri, Sat: 50g Fat, <75g Carbs (trying to get to 50g) and 275g protein, <1850 cals total.
Sunday - 50/300/250, 2600cals (most carbs peri-workout)
Mon, Tue - 50/75/275
Wed - 50/300/250, 2600cals (peri-workout carbs)
Thu, Fri, Sat - 50/75/275
Sun - 30/300/275
Mon,Tue - 50/35/300, so down to 1750 cals
Wed - Evening carb up, done

The training template is basically CT’s “War Room strategies for Fat loss.” I used that back in fall 2007 to cut 35lbs over 20 weeks. I will do heavy chest and back on Wednesday, heavy legs on Sundays, HIIT on days after heavy lifting (Mon, Thu), Direct arms and delts (Fri) and do 20-30min of cardio intervals everyday.

So today is my first day going for only 50g of carbs and 275g of protein. Hoping to check in daily until the end.

Last night’s training:
A1. Bench 205x5 x5 (10s rest)
A2. Hand stand Pushups x8,8,6,6,5 (2min rest)
A3. Pullups from Rings BWx6 x5sets
A4. Seated Row 120x12 x5
B1. DB curls 2 sets
B2. Overhead DB triceps w/ stretch 2 sets
Then did 75min of “cardio” with a snow shovel on my driveway. Was feeling very glad to have planned my high-carb day for the day of our biggest snow of the winter.

Comments welcomed. Thanks.

Today I managed to get 285g of protein, 58g of fat and only 55g of carbs. Lots of chicken, vegetables and whey protein PWO.

Workout was very short, since I got so much volume yesterday. Metabolic stim and energy system work only
Quick Warmup
Front squats w/ bar x12, 12
Tabata Front Squats: 95lbs x 6,7,7,7,6,6,6,6, Started each set at 0 or 30s on clock
No muscular failure on these (<40% of my 1RM) but lungs were burning the last two sets and the first 5 min of ESW.
ESW: Eliptical Intervals 30min (I know, wussy machine stuff, but the thing was free and its easier on my joints than a treadmill.

More low carb tomorrow.

You’re making this too difficult/complicated. If you want to stick with the plan you posted that’s fine but you could also try Intermittent Fasting and make things a bit easier… Esp if you’re only going for two more weeks. Any OTC fat burner (with an appetite blunter) for the first few days will help you transition into that eating style but after 2-3 days you should be fine.

I have to admit to being a carb-o-phobe. I have poor genetics for insulin sensitivity. (I think I’m still the only person in my extended family with a BMI under 40). I visibly swell within minutes of any ingestion of high-glycemic carb, unless immediately post-workout. In fact, I planned a single cheat meal after week 3 and week 6, and both times I gained 2-4lbs within 48hrs, and it took me a full week to get that weight back off. I wish it were just water weight, but I could see it right on my waist where the flab had regrown.

Put another way, my ExPhys consultant buddy was telling me the other day that he had trained hundreds of people on weightloss, and never met anyone who worked as hard as I did, with as strict a diet as mine, and still looked like a guy who drinks beers all weekend.

I have done IF 3x/wk for the last 8 wks. I liked IF, it seemed to help me get lean without all the counting. However, on my last two IF days, I was getting pre-syncopal (seeing stars, light-headed, nauseous) in the hours before my fast ended when I moved around, doing chores and stuff. The only real difference between those IF days and what I am planning now - instead of 50g of carbs at dinner or post-workout, I eat about 400 cals worth of no-carb breakfast (eggs and lean meat.)

Is there an OTC fatburner you like? I have not used any of those before (assumed most were all placebos.)


Well HOT-ROX is a good one but also a bit pricey for me. Stu (I think) uses VPX Meltdown bc he competes and can’t use HOT-ROX, so I would take his word for it.

Don’t do IF sporadically then, you’re not letting your body get properly adjusted it seems.

If you truly have poor insulin sensitivity you should be eating a low carb diet and probably a CKD would work best for you.

I still count calories while IFing.

Thanks. I will look that up.

I was doing IF mostly to simplify my carb cycling so I could still train heavy. I tried a pure CKD about 10 years ago and my bloodwork went to pot (Total Cholesterol went from 165 to 278!). My understanding of food choices, and my total caloric demand are a lot different now (40lbs lighter, not doing PL-ing meets). I may try have to give that another try.

I am thinking if I did CKD, I’d have to figure out peri-workout nutrition so I could keep lifting. Even when I am not dieting, I get a huge BMR lift from HIIT. I am chained to a desk most of the time. I think I also need to avoid “carbing up” altogether. Looking back at my records, I can go up to about 200g carbs. Any higher and I my progress stalls for days.

When you are doing IF, do you count all your macros, too? Obviously protein, just wondering if you look at the carb vs fat content also.

I should note I am not “average”. I have hypothyroidism. That being said, I eat the same things pretty much every day besides Sundays when I have one cheat meal so I know my macros and cals are constant. Also, I’m really only counting 2 macros so it’s easy. Obviously carbs are kept to 30-40g per day (although 30g is recommended and I’m trying to fix that).

Total Cholesterol doesn’t mean much by itself. The ratios and LDL/HDL are the important factors.

You’ll do fine w/o carbs pre/post work out. Many have that hesitation but the transition is very easy. I do think carbs pre/post workout are ideal for MOST people but this is just the hand WE have been dealt, along with many other people who can progress very well.

Also once you’re adapted the carb load really does store glycogen very well. I only have trouble getting a pump the last day before my carb up.

A 0-cal pre workout stim works great for energy and fat burning in the absence of carbs (while you work out). Productive workouts have never been an issue for me w/ pre workouts.

Idk if i misinterpreted “avoid carbing up all together” but that is a bad idea. Carbs play a crucial role in T4 to T3 conversion and avoiding carbs all together over extended periods of time will must likely result in hypothyroidism (what I believe caused my hypo). At the very maximum I would only have carb ups once every 14 days, although I think every 10-7 would be safer over all.

No, I wasn’t saying no carbs. I was thinking I’d limit carbs to ~180-200g on higher carb days. Anything over 200 and I can see my weight and leanness regress.

Last night was a glycogen depletion workout.
Dead lift Superhero Complex, 3 rounds only, 30s between A’s, 2min between rounds
A1 Conv Dead 305x4
A2 RDL 255x5
A3 high pull 205x6
A4 broad jump 6ft x6
A5 Band GM ABx15

Body weight circuit
B1 ring pull ups x 3
B2 elev pushups with hands touching x3
B3 Fwd Lunge x3/3
8 rounds, no rest

UW delts 10s x10 x8 sets

Protein 286g, fat 54g, carbs 73gs (half carbs immediately post workout)
Felt ok.

Saturday - no training, but did about 4 hours of NEPA, mostly walking and carrying 30-50lb loads up and down stairs.
Ate ultra-low carb - 86g fat, 21g carbs, 190g protein (yes, fat was too high and protein was too low, I know)

Sunday Carb up Day - F 16g/C 218g/P 200g (Thought I would feel better eating carbs - I actually felt just as depleted, but the heavy training in the morning may have been the cause.)
Trained Superhero Complexes:
Squat complex 3 rounds, 30s rest between stations, 2min rest between rounds
A1 Pin Squat 405x4 (used a notch on my weight belt I’ve never used before!!)
A2 Front Squat 205x4
A3 DE Box Squat 205x4
A4 Box jumps (30" box) x6
A5 Plate push - 50lbs x20yds

Pullup complex 3 rounds, same rests
B1 Wide grip pullup x4
B2 CG Chinups x6
B3 DE Inverted Rows x6
B4 Band Pulldown LB x8
B5 Pull-over 35 x12 w/ stretch

Felt depleted and dehydrated, even though I ate before I trained and put down 3L of water before and during training. I probably should have had a sports drink for electrolytes before I trained. I had one later in the day and perked up quite a bit.

Just finished reading Dave Tate’s article today. As another recovering fat powerlifter, it is very inspiring. His experience with carb cycling mirrors my own recent adventure.

But, holy crap did he yo-yo diet. PLers are known for going to extremes, but wow, that was crazy reading about him gaining 50lbs in 10 days!! I can’t imagine what he was eating. He must have been shooting heavy cream and vodka all day long.

His tale is a great caution for me when I come off this cut. No sense in doing all this work to give it all back in a week. I just need to stay away from big carb loads, and keep up my training.

Today it was back to low carb: Fat 47g, Carb 56g, Protein 281g

Circuits, 3 rounds each, no rest between sets or rounds
A1. Feet Elev Pushups x15
A2. Lunges x12 each leg
A3. DB Row x15 each side
A4. Leg Curls x15
A5. Swiss Ball Crunches x15

B1. DB Military Press x15
B2. Squats x15
B3. DB Pullovers x15
B4. DB Swings x15
B5. Plank 30s

Elliptical Intervals 30min

My weight was down this morning. I have not weighed this light since the late 90’s. Thank you, Christian, Shelby and MODOK!!

Yesterday - Fat 62g, Carbs 58g, Protein 270g, total cals = 1885

It was an off day, so all I did was 30min of Elliptical Intervals

This morning I was down another pound, and had new leanness in my legs and around my waist.

Two thoughts occurred to me this morning as I was brushing my teeth after I weighed in.

  1. Wow, this carb cycling really works - I am down 21 lbs, have pulled almost 5" off my waist, and my strength is up (at least my performance with heavy stuff - I am not testing absolute strength for a little while).

  2. I am still a fat f#$& and have a long way to go. I had gotten pretty lean last year, and had seen some success with carb cycling experiments, so I really dialed in an eating plan and went to work. The results have been great. However, I came in thinking that if I dropped 20lbs of fat, I’d be able to possibly see my abs. This morning, I have these huge craters on either side of where my abs should be, right below my rib cage. But there is still a thick slab of unwanted covering over this area. By caliper, the layer over my abs is 2x thicker than anywhere else around my entire body.

I had made the assumption last fall that I was around 16-18% BF. Leaving lean mass constant, I figured a clean program resulting in a 20lb weight loss would be me to 8-10% BF. Unfortunately, I have to be at least 15% BF now (since there is still so much goo on my stomach, even though I have some vascularity in my arms and legs. Which means that I was probably closer to 22-23% BF when I started, and my lean mass was 9-10lbs lower than I estimated.

The other option is that I am leaner, and do have the higher LBM, but have all my BF concentrated in a few areas. That is a convenient excuse. Lean is lean. So-called “trouble-spots” are for fat girls and whiney guys that refuse to put in the effort, discipline and programming necessary to get truly lean.

I guess I could take the path of “I am now, after all this work, only to where I thought I was when I started.” But, I think the better path is, “You were such an idiot then. Look at how much you’ve learned in the last 3 months.” And so, if I take the latter path, then it is back to the drawing board for the next round of lean. I see no sense in trying to focus on adding any lean muscle if my BF is still this high. I am better off taking a break to maintain, then hitting the lean-train one more time this spring before I even think about trying to add any lean mass.

Sorry to butt in.
I don’t use any fat burner. i’ve tried nearly ALL of them. I’m fairly caffeine resistant except for peeing every 5 minutes. The only thing that REALLY worked for me was the old Hydroxycut with ephedra. If your looking for the appetite suppression, save the money and suck-it-up.

I would just focus on quality protein, most calories EARLY in the day, healthy fat, most complex carbs PRE workout.

I’m no expert by a long shot, but I’ve maintained my build that way for 20 years.

And yes, I’m old. 41 this June, but I’m 6’, 212 lbs, 31 waist. (refuse to do cardio)
& I understand the cortisol thing. My daughter is 16 & was asked to the prom this year by 2 football captains. That means 2 freakin’ dresses (i dont understand that part)

Good luck.

Ps I’d probably be getting bigger myself if there was any descent food to eat here in Afgahnistan. The chowhall is worse than a soup kitchen in New York.

You are not butting in at all, thanks for the advice.
I am old too, I’m 38. I never did pick up any of the OTC stuff. If the diet is working, I figured better to wait until it stops.

I have never been to a 31 waist. I am now fitting in all 34’s, but the pure tape measure is 35.5 right at the navel. Not good, but better than the 39.5 I had in January.

If you are eating in a mess in Afgahnistan, then you are probably getting a lot higher activity level. Other than my workouts, I have to invent activity, because I work a desk job in a climate with very few decent outdoor days - 7 months of winter, 4 months of mosquitoes.

I decided that yesterday was the last day of of my diet. Actually, my body decided. My workout was a total disaster, and by evening I had a full-blown head cold. The good news is that I had a great weight loss and body comp chjange over 12 weeks. I also added a small amount of lean muscle (by the eyeball test and the tape measure.) But, I guess I will have to rename this thread to “1 week to shredded immune system.”

Next time around, I have to start leaner - so this maintain period is going to be tricky.

I just lost about 3 pounds in about 2 weeks. I wasn’t trying too (not trying to be a prick with that statement), but I included one circuit of some “Sparticus” workout every other day. I absolutley despise cardio, but it includes weights, so…

My diet, if you call it that, was about 2500 cal/day. I like to lift about an hour after I get up, so I have True Mass shake right away. Then 1/2 hour later, 2 scoops of that new CRAZE pre-workout (holy crap. the best stuff I’ve tried so far). 1/2 hour later in the gym (Peri-workout is one scoop of waxy maize with Aminos). Then right after another protein shake. lunch few hours later, then mainly shakes after. I guess it kinda follows that V-diet except I have a solid meal EACH day. I use the Tap & Track app on my iphone to keep track of the calories (easier).

Not trying to sell other products. I’ve got the Surge preworkout on the way, as well as the ZMA & Superfood)

As a pilot, most of us use Afrin to stop the sinus drainage which also stops the sore throat, & dayquil every 6-8 hours. Been doing that for 8 years & never had a sick day from work. Bonus— dayquil hides the symptoms so I can still workout. I just take Anavite twice a day instead of once, & I boost the calories another 500 til the colds gone.