500mg test p front load day one
150mg/ED test p for 11 days pct on day 15
For 1 week nolv 2x 20ml/ED
2nd week 1x 20ml/ed
Goal, gain 5-10lbs
500mg test p front load day one
150mg/ED test p for 11 days pct on day 15
For 1 week nolv 2x 20ml/ED
2nd week 1x 20ml/ed
Goal, gain 5-10lbs
Would you need to run any anti E to avoid Gyno for a shorty like this?
wank wank wank
do a real cycle
60mL of Nolva everyday… let me know how that works out for you.
[quote]Yogi wrote:
wank wank wank
do a real cycle[/quote]
Honestly man I’ve tried quite a few of these two weekers and didn’t find much results. Right around when you need to get off cycle is when you start to see any results.
Gained a few pounds but it was water weight.
IMO unless you’re ok with minimal results everytime then you might have to run numerous amounts of these cycles to finally see anything me personally I’d rather run a longer cycle
Like a long one? Where your balls shut down and the body takes damage and side effects
In my extensive research
Peoples gains averaged between 4-15lbs in the 2 weeks
The key seems to be getting 1G a week
[quote]CxTucker wrote:
60mL of Nolva everyday… let me know how that works out for you.
[quote]Yogi wrote:
wank wank wank
do a real cycle[/quote]
How much should someone take?
15lbs of actual muscle would be a really good gain from a normal length cycle.
Do it if you like, but you’ll be disappointed.
And if you shoot a gram of test for 2 weeks you WILL be shutdown.
^ This. You get shutdown anyway so why not run a proper cycle. Use HCG if you are worried about your balls shrinking. Oh and don’t post a question then immediately disregard what people say when they answer your fricken question trying to help you. If you knew for sure you wouldn’t be asking now would you.
IN your extensive research of people gaining 15 lbs in 2 weeks did it mention that 13lbs of that was almost certainly water and gone within another 2 weeks?
Like I said those gains was mostly water. I’ve tried two weekers with prop, with ace and dbol, with prop ace and dbol and at over a gram each time and the results were minimal.
The last one I did at the end I said fuck it and just stayed on cause the results weren’t worth it
Ok so its never worth it, how long would the shut down be from a 1g a week for 2 weeks?
Thanks for the advice
[quote]Judas wrote:
Ok so its never worth it, how long would the shut down be from a 1g a week for 2 weeks?
Thanks for the advice
I have no idea man. Probably work out the half life of the amount of test in your blood levels and then after that whenever your body decides to get going again basically. I am sure everyone is different and there are many variables one of which would be what type if any pct a person does.
I did several short cycles in the last 6 months or so - tren ace, test prop, and mast prop. Total was around a gram per week for two weeks. First two I gained 10-12, then lost about half that weight in the intervening weeks between cycles.
Short cycles can be productive, but you will need to do more than just one. I was doing 2 on/5 off and had the weight gain I mentioned above. I started the first one at 207, peaked at 227 during the last one, and am now (2 months after last one) sitting at 213-215 without even trying (lifting like normal - 531, but not eating a ton).
So it depends on your goals. I wanted to put on some good weight without drawing attention at work by stretching it out. This worked but still garnered some comments (nothing negative). I felt like my recovery from each one was pretty easy, though I did two weeks of nolva each time, starting 3 days after last stick. 40mg/ED first week, 20mg/ED second week. After PCT I was off for 3-4 weeks before starting again. Haven’t done a longer cycle since 99 and that one was still only 5 weeks with stupid dosing and no AI or PCT. On the short cycles, I never got that ‘beast-mode’ feeling but that could have been the tren. Planning on doing some longer ones in the future, probably later this fall/winter.
Fuck everyone who fears the shutdown from steroids. One poster here has said it before me, but steroids are not a fad. They are a not protein powder to be taken on and off, whenever you see fit. Steroids are a commitment, you get on and then you never get off. Going off and on is simply asking for trouble. If you don’t want to be on forever, then don’t take them.
[quote]niksamaras wrote:
Fuck everyone who fears the shutdown from steroids. One poster here has said it before me, but steroids are not a fad. They are a not protein powder to be taken on and off, whenever you see fit. Steroids are a commitment, you get on and then you never get off. Going off and on is simply asking for trouble. If you don’t want to be on forever, then don’t take them.[/quote]
^^^^ This is why we get along so well Niko
[quote]niksamaras wrote:
Fuck everyone who fears the shutdown from steroids. One poster here has said it before me, but steroids are not a fad. They are a not protein powder to be taken on and off, whenever you see fit. Steroids are a commitment, you get on and then you never get off. Going off and on is simply asking for trouble. If you don’t want to be on forever, then don’t take them.[/quote]
While I agree mostly with you nik, I have to disagree as well. Me, I’m not getting off but to some people doing a few cycles is all they want to do, not everyone wants to have to rely on a needle for the rest of their lives.
test is a way of life… if you really love hitting the gym hard to the point of almost puking every workout then once you use gear you’ll never come off.
you simply cant train like that if you are natural and expect to recover fast enought to hit each body part an average of 1.5 times per week.
I’ve cycled + PCT for years. Recover fine every time, minimal loss of strength and size.
I don’t know why everyone is so desperate to jump on TRT. If that’s how you want to go then fine, but I just don’t think it’s necessary.