1st Time User, Need Opinions

Hi folks,

I’m 5’8" 150lbs about 12-15% body fat,
my diet is good and i’ve been very consistent with my gym routine with good progress, i have great cardio, i will be juicing soon in a couple months i’ve done my homework and i’ve decided to use
test e for 8 weeks with winny for 4 and tapering with nolvadex for 5 weeks
like i said this is my first time, and i was told this is a good one for beginners
I’m looking for opinions from the vets and the gents with experience.

if this isn’t a good cycle please fill me on something that might be better or reasons why you would prefer something else.
thank you gentlemen

This is something you could run:

Test E Weeks 1-8 (250mg M & Th)
Winny Weeks 1-2 (75mg ED)
Winn Week 5-8 (50mg)

Test E Weeks 9-12 (75mg M & Th)

Test E 50, 40, 30, 20, 15, 10,…mg M&Th

Use some arimidex(.5mg EOD) throughout and taper off at the end.

Use the nolva as needed.

Eat lots, eat clean, and don’t cut right after…maintain.