1st Post

Hello guys

Joined today after reading some threads on this site.

About me:

Well I’m 41 and train 5 days per week, I’m on test-e 500mg per week (started last week)
Training regular for 2 years every week day @ 6:30am for 45 mins.
Just started Citalopram for depression (freaky eh?!)
Diet, well was good and clean but recently slipped.
Booze is my vice which I know is negative I’m not an alchy but I like a drink to relax after a shit day at work.

Looking to change my routine to grow, time aint on my side late starter. Looking to add maserone and cruise and blast on test.

Any advice on a routine fitting 5 days for 45 mins would be greatly appreciated.


I can’t believe 50 people read this and no-one commented. This place just isn’t as friendly as it used to be. It’s a shame.

Might need to say what your goals are before people can recommend routines.

Welcome aboard.

Where in England are you?

Hi Dinky, welcome to the old farts’ home.

[quote]FarmerBrett wrote:

I can’t believe 50 people read this and no-one commented. This place just isn’t as friendly as it used to be. It’s a shame.

Might need to say what your goals are before people can recommend routines.

Welcome aboard.

Where in England are you?[/quote]

Hi FamerBrett

Thanks for the reply!

I’m looking to gain as much mass as I can! Training has changed frequently over the past few months, looking to get back on track. Limited to 40-45 minutes per day.

I’m from just outside Colchester Essex

[quote]cavalier wrote:
Hi Dinky, welcome to the old farts’ home.[/quote]

Hi dude

Glad to be here, knackers yard next!

Actually, Dude is the dude, I’m just Cav. Or whatever.

[quote]cavalier wrote:
Actually, Dude is the dude, I’m just Cav. Or whatever.[/quote]

Sorry Cav

I tend to call everyone fella or dude! Its noted that there is a Dude!


Current routine:
Monday chest:
flat bench 4 x 12 (either bb or db)
incline bench 4 x 12 (either bb or db)
cable flyes 4 x 12
dips 3 x 12

Tuesday back:
bb rows 4 x 12
machine rows 3 x 12
wide grip pulldowns 4 x 12
close grip pulldowns 4 x 12
pull overs or one arm db rows 3 x 12

Wednesday shoulders:
db press 3 x 12
seated military press 4 x 12
lateral raises 4 x 12
rear delt flyes 3 x 12
shrugs 3 x 20

Thursday legs:
squats 4 x 10
lunges 4 x 10
leg press 5 x 10
calf raises 4 x 20

Friday arms:
french press 3 x 10
skull crushers 3 x 10
kick backs 3 x 10
21’s x 3
hammer curls 3 x 10
reverse curls 3 x 10

Pretty much it, routine does vary on work schedule and is pretty rushed to fit my available time. Any comments or thoughts? As I say my main aim is to grow dont know how much to expect as I started late and I’m 41.



(and pullovers)

Somebody had to say it…

To hell with starting late. Like Null said squats and milk and I would like to add deads too. Throw in a heaping stack of food every couple of hours and grow, grow, grow. Pullovers is great too.

Hi Dinky,
With limited time you just need to choose exercise that carry the most bang for your buck really mate. A variety of factors lead to muscle growth that relate to how you stimulate the tissues, so your training should reflect these things.

I’d look to have a couple of key exercises or movements patterns that lend themselves to be done heavily for lower reps. Creating lots of tension within the muscles by lifting heavy loads stimulates tons of muscle fibers and makes any lighter load exercises feel lighter and faster as a result.

I would also have some exercises that you tend to perform a little lighter for more reps for the same movement pattern to got some volume into the workout and get blood into the muscles. I would also look to have some exercises that stretch the tissues too. Exercises that stretch can help with increasing ROM but some people also think that the loaded stretch also helps to stimulate growth.


Heavy stuff: Barbell presses (military, bench), deadlifts, squats, front squats, barbell rows, Romanian deadlifts, etc

Medium-heavy stuff: Dumbell presses, dumbell rows, leg presses, etc.,

Stretchy exercises: Pullovers, Flyes, pullups (i think all pullups should go from a dead-hang), etc.,

I like higher frequency lifting myself and would probably look to train each muscle every 5 days at least. Some muscles recover even sooner and could be trained more frequently. Largely, this depends on your total training workload and recovery capacity though.

So, get a mixed bag of exercises and training weights, be sure to stretch tissues out and maybe look to get some exercises that stretch things out every now and then and you will be golden. Train and eat progressively also though mate; what you do outside of the gym should reflect your goals inside of the gym too. Life is about balance though, so do what you need to do to find that balance and be happy. If thats drinking, so what mate, do what you want to do.

my 2 peneth…

[quote]FarmerBrett wrote:

I can’t believe 50 people read this and no-one commented. This place just isn’t as friendly as it used to be. It’s a shame.


Goddam right…no one has given me a reach around in years.

I’m a strength, not a mass guy (and not a very good strength guy at that) BUT for only 45 minutes, it looks to me like you’re doubling up on your exercise…for example on chest day you flat bench and then incline bench…I’d flat bench for 4 weeks and then incline for 4 weeks, rinse repeat…maybe it’s different in the mass world (so please someone tell me to stfu if I’m off base), but I’d be dead after 4 sets of 12 flat or incline benches and have nothing left…so…why not just kill it on the one exercise?

Anyway…just my Hey Penny !

Welcome aboard!!

[quote]Null wrote:

(and pullovers)

Somebody had to say it…[/quote]

Squats and milk? Squats and milk?

Squats and CREAM if you wanna grow!

[quote]sen say wrote:
I’m a strength, not a mass guy (and not a very good strength guy at that) BUT for only 45 minutes, it looks to me like you’re doubling up on your exercise…for example on chest day you flat bench and then incline bench…I’d flat bench for 4 weeks and then incline for 4 weeks, rinse repeat…maybe it’s different in the mass world (so please someone tell me to stfu if I’m off base), but I’d be dead after 4 sets of 12 flat or incline benches and have nothing left…so…why not just kill it on the one exercise?

Anyway…just my Hey Penny !

Welcome aboard!![/quote]

Thanks for the input fella, all appreciated.

I’ve always worked both incline and flat on the same day perhaps a change may pay off!

[quote]FarmerBrett wrote:

[quote]Null wrote:

(and pullovers)

Somebody had to say it…[/quote]

Squats and milk? Squats and milk?

I think I can handle that.

I must admit to my shame if there is a body part I neglect its legs. :frowning:

Squats and CREAM if you wanna grow![/quote]