1st Injection (Ouch)

I’m a new comer to the T-Nation family and I have just recently injected 2cc’s of 250mg Sustanon. My but has been sore for the last 3 days, its so bad I cant barely sit. Is this normal?? How long will the pain last?

I was told to inject 2 CC’s per week but with this pain I doubt I’ll be able to continue injecting. Please advise.

Puss. Did you think that it’d tickle?

Well you need to be injecting sustanon 250 at least every three days, perferably EOD.

Your hurting because… sustanon hurts. The prop is sustanon kicks like a mule. What you are feeling is normal.

I would inject 1cc every three days while rotating sites between right/left quads and right/left glutes.

There are plently of little tips to help with pain such as warming the syringe before pinning yourself. Do a little more research.

EDIT: BLah too late lol

I appreciate your advice guys. Hey Bushido when you say Sustanon is shit do you mean its not the best Juice to get. I was told since it has 4 types of tests I would be able to retain most of the muscle I gain from it. You also said the worst thing I can do is inject once week why is that?

Lazy, thanks for the advice I think I’m defitnately going to do 1cc every 3 days hopefully it will minimize the pain. Is the pain a one time thing? Or will it occur after every time I inject?

Hey diesel, I knew it wouldn’t tickle. I just didn’t think it would burn like this days after the injection. Like I said this is the FIRST time I’ve ever done juice. Just wanted to advice from the experts.

The reason to inject Sustanon EOD or every third day at the very least is to due the fast acting nature of the test prop in the sus. It will help to keep your your T levels more stable.

If you only wanted to do 500 mg of test per week you should just use cyp or enathate. Split into two injections with next to no pain.

Hey Lilllguy, Whats EOD? I’m not familiar with terminologys. I appreciate your knowledge, also you mentioned to to use Cyp or enthate. Whats that? Pardom me for being slightly absent minded I’m just not familiar some of the body building terms. Thanks dude!

EOD means every other day. The reason why many people don’t like sustanon is because the combination of short and long acting esters. This then causes large flucuations in blood levels unless injected EOD.

It was created for hormone replacement therapy with the idea in mind of only having to visit the doc once a month for your injections. For bodybuilding purposes it’s far from ideal.

Next time stick with Eth or Cyp.

However, I think you will be fine with injecting 1 cc (250mg’s) every three days, which would put you at 500mg’s a week (well every six days)

EDIT: Cyp and Eth are just test with longer acting esters, thus the need to inject less often. Also sustanon will not help you “hold” on to more muscle, at least no more than any other test in my opinion. The only reason I can see someone deducting this is the “somewhat” built in taper you will get with the sustanon from the timed release of the different esters.

Tapering with sustanon seems like it could be a little tricky… (I dunno, I’m still pretty newbie on this shit as well)

[quote]BlkQbano wrote:
Hey Lilllguy, Whats EOD? I’m not familiar with terminologys. I appreciate your knowledge, also you mentioned to to use Cyp or enthate. Whats that? Pardom me for being slightly absent minded I’m just not familiar some of the body building terms. Thanks dude![/quote]

It was a mistake for you to begin your cycle. You don’t have a proper understanding of what you’re doing. You’re injecting yourself with chemicals and you don’t even what what’s in them. I am also going to go out on a short limb and guess you don’t know what PCT is. Which suggests you didn’t prepare for it. Please do yourself a favor and get some knowledge

[quote]sapasion wrote:
It was a mistake for you to begin your cycle. You don’t have a proper understanding of what you’re doing. You’re injecting yourself with chemicals and you don’t even what what’s in them. I am also going to go out on a short limb and guess you don’t know what PCT is. Which suggests you didn’t prepare for it. Please do yourself a favor and get some knowledge[/quote]

Good point.

Opener, do you have post cycle therapy (PCT) ready?

What are your plans if you start growing tits(gyno)?

It really sounds like you may want to stop the cycle, and focus on diet and training while you learn more. I think your original question has been addressed thoroughly, but I believe you have more questions.

[quote]Petedacook wrote:
sapasion wrote:
It was a mistake for you to begin your cycle. You don’t have a proper understanding of what you’re doing. You’re injecting yourself with chemicals and you don’t even what what’s in them. I am also going to go out on a short limb and guess you don’t know what PCT is. Which suggests you didn’t prepare for it. Please do yourself a favor and get some knowledge

Good point.

Opener, do you have post cycle therapy (PCT) ready?

What are your plans if you start growing tits(gyno)?

It really sounds like you may want to stop the cycle, and focus on diet and training while you learn more. I think your original question has been addressed thoroughly, but I believe you have more questions.


I didn’t get involved in this thread because I knew somebody (you two) were going to say exactly what I was going to. =)

Sepasion, I cant argue with you. You’re 100% right, I’ve should done more research prior to injecting. I did a google search on SUSTANON and read the benefits but didn’t understand most of the details that was provided. Pretty much my knowledge came from the seller and what I’ve heard was defitnately what i wanted. To bulk up & gain strength. I also got some pills that suppose to block the estrogen from the tests. But anyways I appreciate the constructive criticism and want to thank all of you for your input!!

I am new to the game. been training right. went from 148-150lbs 20%BF
little over 18 months 167-170lbs 12%BF.

Peaked out on arms and legs. want to goal set at 190lbs 10-12%BF with in 2months.

Wanted to know if EQ was right for me. I believe I need a mild seeing as how my body can handle natural test and keep my cardio up to :20min daily prior to work out. I would only need a little extra push with out major side effects. I have a few 10ml bottles and 22g 1 1/2" needles.

What should my dosage be and how would I inject. Lower glutes or upper shoulder?

[quote]caliman007 wrote:
I am new to the game. been training right. went from 148-150lbs 20%BF
little over 18 months 167-170lbs 12%BF.

Peaked out on arms and legs. want to goal set at 190lbs 10-12%BF with in 2months.

Wanted to know if EQ was right for me. I believe I need a mild seeing as how my body can handle natural test and keep my cardio up to :20min daily prior to work out. I would only need a little extra push with out major side effects. I have a few 10ml bottles and 22g 1 1/2" needles.

What should my dosage be and how would I inject. Lower glutes or upper shoulder?[/quote]

You’re not ready. Sorry.

[quote]caliman007 wrote:
I am new to the game. been training right. went from 148-150lbs 20%BF
little over 18 months 167-170lbs 12%BF.

Peaked out on arms and legs.

At 170lbs you don’t need AAS, you need to eat!

Peaked out after 18 months? No fu…ng way. It’s just that the newbie-gains are over and it starts to show if you know what works and what doesn’t.

AAS is NOT an option at this time.

[quote]caliman007 wrote:
What should my dosage be and how would I inject. Lower glutes or upper shoulder?[/quote]

3 bottles a day should do you. why not into the eye? its closer to the brain.

upper, outer glute not lower, that is where the nerves are.

200mg/mL test enanthate is painless. if it isn’t whoever the hell is making it has no fucking clue and you shouldn’t touch anything from that line.