Hello there! Officially anyway. I’m Squige. I did some stupid oral cycles about 3 years ago and fucked my system up not knowing what i was doing. So i stayed away learned and researched and trained hard as balls in the gym.
I’m starting my first ‘real’ cycle this week on my birthday! Woohoo! What a present to myself
I’m 6’0" and weigh 185#. I have not measured with any device but I am very lean and would put myself around 9-10% bodyfat right now.
Bench: 225
Dead: 325
Press: 135
Squat: 335*(8mo ago)Pulled my MCL about 8 months and I dont 1rm squats anymore
I will be turning 25 on Wednesday. My training is top notch and my diet is on key 9/10 of the time (pizza is delicious.) I’ve been training since highschool, however I’ve been seriously training for around 4 years. So here’s my layout and some thoughts on why to do things this way. Please tell me what you think and I will later update as to how it is going!
Test Cyp 500mg/wk - wk 1-10 split into 2 doses of 250mg 2x/wk
Ancillary compounds:
Arimidex - wk 1-12 .25mg e3d>.25mg eod*>.25mg ed*
hCG - wk 3-12 500iu’s SQ split into 2 doses of 250iu’s 2x/wk
Aromasin - wk 13-16 25/12.5/12.5/12.5
Nolva - wk 13-16 40/40/20/20
Special considerations -
Arimidex doesn’t work well with Nolva during PCT and is linked to estro rebound by its mechanism of action. Aromasin provides an AI effect with no rebound, while also giving other benefits to recover during PCT. Thus, Aromasin is the better choice to run with Nolva.
hCG has a half life of 36 hours; I planned all my pins in my calendar and set the last hCG injection to be 3 days prior to the start of PCT. The amount I have allows me to only do a set of ten injections. With that being said, 3 weeks into cycle should be great timing as my testes will be nearly shutting down by then.
*I may or may not need to increase Arimidex during cycle and will taper with considerations to side effects and 5 week blood work.
I am injecting, switching sites between l/r quads and glutes. If i experience any problems with sites I will use a delt. I have extensive IM injections under my belt as I am trained medically.
Prelim labs are still awaiting - I am using them for a baseline for mid range labs and post PCT labs. Prelim labs > 5week labs > 4weeks after pct
Questions for you: Aromasin dosaging correct? I figure since it is a suicide inhibitor and the receptors are no longer usable, 25mg the first week would clear up most of the spike in estrogen. Lowering the dosage after would be a steady way to keep things peachy. Maybe even lowering it to 6.25 in the 4th week?