1st Cycle Draft for Critique

I know I’m avoiding urgent work with this post. But it’s on my mind and I’m burned out from all my research so I’m posting anyway. :slight_smile: I don’t know if I’ll be able to run this now (money situation changed drastically a little bit ago. Unexpected expenses.) but I’m presenting it anyway for tweaks/thoughts. Sorry FG, I decided to give in to the Test/tren/mast bug.

I’ll post when/if I start to let people know, but probably not log it, because I know how much RainJack hates the log epidemic going on right now.

1st Cycle Rough Draft. I THINK I’ve got the “hiding it” issue fixed. Hence tapering as an extended PCT option. I’m currently undecided whether to pin ED or not.

Week 1-8—Test Prop 100 mg EOD
Week 1-7—Tren Ace 75 mg EOD or 50 mg ED
Week 1-8—Mast 75 mg EOD or 300 mg weekly split over ED doses (dep. on tren injections ED or EOD)
Week 1-8—hCG 250 iu twice per week (M/Thurs probably)

PCT Option #1
Week 9-11–Test Prop/Mast combo–TOTAL 100 mg per week 3 week STASIS, 50 mg 2x week
Week 12-14- 3 week TAPER 75/50/25 mg weekly doses.

Taper advice = appreciated from vets. It is only 3 weeks each because the cycle is only 8 weeks long as opposed to a standard 12 weeker. Should I lengthen either stasis or taper period?

PCT Option #2
Week 9-12 Nolva 20 mg ED, maybe with some tribulus

Adex and Caber on hand during cycle for use if needed.

SUPPLEMENTS–HOT-ROX and Carbolin 19 for post cycle to try and give me a non-HPTA affecting edge on keeping my gains and staying lean/sparing muscle.

Goal #1—Strength
Goal #2—lean up for photo shoot (I’m already lean, but I want to be photo op lean)
Goal #3—gain a bit of muscle and even out some of my visual weak points.

I would almost insist that you pin everyday, especially with prop and ace esters. This being your first cycle and running tren frequent injections will help with blood levels and minimize sides. Really for a first 37.5mg tren/day will be fine but if you go with 50mg/day I would bump your prop level up as well, maybe 75mg/day.

I would agree with the test/mast taper. Even though your cycle is only 8 weeks I think that maybe a 4 week stasis and 4 week taper would be better. IMHO I don’t think that 6 weeks total is a gradual enough transition.

What he said ^^

ditto. looks good but i would lengthen the taper a little.

i think the logs are good. It helps people who are new to gear know what to expect and how to solve potential problems. As long as you label it a log people don’t need to read it if they don’t want to read a log.

[quote]Aragorn wrote:
Adex and Caber on hand during cycle for use if needed.

I think that it is always best to use adex all through a cycle, PCT then more after that. You need more when T levels are up. During PCT this can be reduced and continued for a bit after PCT, then reduced even more for a while to encourage recovery and to avoid estrogen rebound effects on the HPTA.

When E2 levels rise, even if there is no sign of gyno, it opposes the actions of E2 in some tissues. With lower E, there will be less estrogen bloat, less fat gain or perhaps more fat loss and more mental energy and libido. The negative effects of E may not be major during a cycle. The guys on TRT know all to well the effects of elevated E in the long term. ‘Estrogen poisoning’ is a serious problem.

I see the “if it is needed” comments. I think that this is wishful thinking. Controlling estrogen may increase the benefits of your cycle and may be quite cost effective in that regard.

I think that the notion of E not been a problem with 700mg of test ester per week is crazy.

Note that increased E increases SHBG. SHBG reduces FT.

Ok, thanks all. Taper it is, 4 week stasis. As for pinning ED, I’ve been going back and forth on that, but pain makes a good point. I guess I’ll get really good at injections really fast. And combining compounds should minimize sticks anyway.

Yeah, I think logs are great too. But I know what RJ means when he talks about the epidemic around here with newbs and everyone else doing it in all forums. Can get tiring sometimes.

I’m freakin’ excited for this run boys. I hope to hell money, shipping, and timing works out for me.

Only interesting point will be if I go on climbing trips this summer. Travel will be a challenge. And I’m GOING to travel. No question. Even if I can’t run a cycle traveling this summer is a given. I’m burned out on school and I need some time on my bike and the open road. And climbing. Lots of cliffs. I suppose I could get away with a weekend trip with pinning Friday with two days dose and then pinning on the day I come back. Camping is not sterile.

KSman, right as always. I was thinking only in visual terms. I should be thinking about things at the biochemical level.

[quote]KSman wrote:
Aragorn wrote:
Adex and Caber on hand during cycle for use if needed.

I think that it is always best to use adex all through a cycle, PCT then more after that. You need more when T levels are up. During PCT this can be reduced and continued for a bit after PCT, then reduced even more for a while to encourage recovery and to avoid estrogen rebound effects on the HPTA.

When E2 levels rise, even if there is no sign of gyno, it opposes the actions of E2 in some tissues. With lower E, there will be less estrogen bloat, less fat gain or perhaps more fat loss and more mental energy and libido. The negative effects of E may not be major during a cycle. The guys on TRT know all to well the effects of elevated E in the long term. ‘Estrogen poisoning’ is a serious problem.

I see the “if it is needed” comments. I think that this is wishful thinking. Controlling estrogen may increase the benefits of your cycle and may be quite cost effective in that regard.

I think that the notion of E not been a problem with 700mg of test ester per week is crazy.

Note that increased E increases SHBG. SHBG reduces FT.[/quote]


Great post as usual. I’d like to see you explain your position,(which I agree with), on running adex throughout the cycle and right from the start as opposed to “waiting” till needed. A huge majority of guys with experience here always tell us to “wait and see” before using adex or other AI’s, and some even go to the extent of saying this is due to a “negative” effect on the cycle gains if adex is used etc.

Also, many of us just don’t have the doctor available that is willing to ok blood tests, and/or prescribe or even advise on the use and doseage tweakage of adex on cycle.
Is there some rough or general guideline you could suggest when using it to control existing or preventing gyno or e related issues, such as physical symptoms which might tell one that he is at the “right” level of control?

I know you’re not a doctor but you have a wealth of experience and knowledge that few others have regarding this.

                Sorry for the hijack Aragorn, but I think you and everyone will benefit from this.



[quote]InTheZone wrote:
Great post as usual. I’d like to see you explain your position,(which I agree with), on running adex throughout the cycle and right from the start as opposed to “waiting” till needed. A huge majority of guys with experience here always tell us to “wait and see” before using adex or other AI’s, and some even go to the extent of saying this is due to a “negative” effect on the cycle gains if adex is used etc.

Also, many of us just don’t have the doctor available that is willing to ok blood tests, and/or prescribe or even advise on the use and doseage tweakage of adex on cycle.
Is there some rough or general guideline you could suggest when using it to control existing or preventing gyno or e related issues, such as physical symptoms which might tell one that he is at the “right” level of control?

I know you’re not a doctor but you have a wealth of experience and knowledge that few others have regarding this.

                Sorry for the hijack Aragorn, but I think you and everyone will benefit from this.




I don’t think that readers here are worried about scripts. You can order blood work on your own from LEF.org and other places. LEF has blood work on sale, April through June 2nd. But to get the good prices, one has to be a member.

With no adex on a cycle of aromatizing gear, E2 will climb. Masteron or proviron would counter act some of that. Guys in TRT can feel great, but after one month, they start to go down hill, less libido and sense of well-being. The E2 comes up quite fast when starting TRT or gear. It takes some time for the E to alter brain function and other tissues. When does this in TRT, adding adex 1mg/wk can restore libido in 10-14 days. Libido is a fast acting indicator of E2 status. After starting adex, other E created problems such mood, depression, apathy, passivism, energy will normalize mostly over 2 months and there will not be any changes after 3 months. So that is the time scale of things. One can have high T levels and elevated E2 and have all of the symptoms of hypogonadsim. So E can wipe out most of the benefits of T. TRT without adex can be almost like no TRT at all. With TRT, one can see and understand the processes and consequences that may not be so obvious in the duration of a cycle.

E2 normal statistical lab range is [0-53pg/ml]. An elevated E2 in the upper 30’s can create all of the problems noted above. Men who were part of the same group that created numbers in the 50-'s would be experiencing a terrible quality of life [QOL]. Unfortunately, most docs would see that and say that they were normal as in a normal state of health… totally wrong!

There are some, a few but not rare, who are adex over-responders. They start on the otherwise excellent starting dose of 1mg/wk. The goal for E2 is the lower 20s but they go single digits. On the way down they have a fleeting feeling of improvement and libido, but that is lost as they fall “through the sweet spot”. They will typically do well on 1/4 or 1/8ht of a mg/wk.

If you lower E2 too much, you can feel a mental change that is not good, mood changes, loss of libido, perhaps a loss of sexual sensitivity [numb dick]. So that is your feedback sign. Not very precise. If your are on a cycle where you are changing the mix over time, then you have a changing need for adex that might be hard to manage with or without blood work. So it will be obvious when things are too low. Another sign is joint aches or pain.

Adex is competitive with T levels. When you have more T, you need more adex. For a strong cycle, normal responders could try .5mg EOD. But that may not be enough. Need also increases with body mass and %BF. Would hold this higher adex dose part way into taper, noting that T level drop is a time delay of the dosage drop. Note that a lean 160 pound TRT guy on 100mg/wk test ester will typically need 1mg/wk. Scale that by body mass. That can be used during PCT a while after one tapers of or tapers to 100mg/wk. Stay on that a while after PCT to protect the HPTA from estrogen rebound. Reduce to 1/2mg and stay with that for a few weeks then quit.

A doctor would typically have no idea about using adex during a cycle and PCT. You are substantially on your own. Any reduction of E2 that is above optimal [lower 20’s] will still be of great benefit. As an experiment, get 5-6 weeks into a cycle without adex, then introduce it and see what your mind and body has to say about that.

Guys who are adex over-responders who do labs find that the results are not of much use to adjust a dose and only indicates that they need to take less. But their minds and bodies were telling them this already. They need to bracket their dose until they feel that QOL is a lot better. Then they can do E2 blood work. If their E2 number is x% above or below 20, then they can make an x% change in the dose. The response is not completely linear, but is for all practical purposes it is linear as one approaches the E2 target level.

Estrogen rebound: Someone here that everyone knows, and will not be named, had a libido crash after a cycle and PCT. That was done with a SERM PCT and no adex at all. He had a terrible QOL and was quite upset about it. I explained that what he was reporting was consistent with an estrogen rebound shutting him down. I suggested adex use and duration, can’t recall the details. He PM’d back and found that the adex was like a switch and his life was back. As with TRT guys with estrogen poisoning, adex was an epiphany.

e·piph·a·ny (-pf-n)
n. pl. e·piph·a·nies

  1. Epiphany

    a. A sudden manifestation of the essence or meaning of something.
    b. A comprehension or perception of reality by means of a sudden intuitive realization: “I experienced an epiphany, a spiritual flash that would change the way I viewed myself” Frank Maier.

Bushy, that sounds really good. Really good. Was hoping you’d chime in. Now I’m going to have to think. Part of me wants to run for 8 weeks, but hell I’d rather not pin for another 8 weeks after that. Of course, mast in the taper could be useful. But you make a very good point and I like the idea of having more time to take some longer trips; ultimately I think it’ll come down to how I can structure my training rotations.

Any reason for pinning hCG at 50 iu EOD instead of 250 iu twice a week/E3D like most people recommend? I don’t recall having seen the 50 iu EOD recommendation anywhere.

Yeah, I’m pretty content with my strength progress over the years. I’m not a slouch physique wise, but then I’m not where I want to be either. Need bigger biceps, lat width and chest (the things that never get trained with a strength athlete :)). And I’ve never actually been ripped before–hence this particular experiment.

Great thoughts KSman. What the heck do you do for a living? I’ve always been curious. Are you a practicing MD with a fetish for research biochemistry literature, or are you a research chemist?

[quote]Aragorn wrote:
Great thoughts KSman. What the heck do you do for a living? I’ve always been curious. Are you a practicing MD with a fetish for research biochemistry literature, or are you a research chemist?[/quote]

An old Mechanical Engineer who reads too much. I find many of the system aspects of body to just be another system to understand. I now sell business accounting systems, payroll, manufacturing, HR, etc. I do this [hormone stuff] to preserve my sanity. I had one person with scleroderma who used to tell everyone that I saved her life, hooked her [then expected to die in the hospital] up with research and she then later became the national ‘poster child’ for the effectiveness of this treatment. There is an indication that a gal with MS who I asked to try high dose vitamin-D is not going to have the typical early spring flare-up this year. My interests go beyond TRT.

I like T-Nation because everyone here wants to learn and are often seeking something that will help them. In the real world, I cannot get guys that I know to accept the notion that they should do anything proactive about their health.

[quote]KSman wrote:
InTheZone wrote:
Great post as usual. I’d like to see you explain your position,(which I agree with), on running adex throughout the cycle and right from the start as opposed to “waiting” till needed. A huge majority of guys with experience here always tell us to “wait and see” before using adex or other AI’s, and some even go to the extent of saying this is due to a “negative” effect on the cycle gains if adex is used etc.

Also, many of us just don’t have the doctor available that is willing to ok blood tests, and/or prescribe or even advise on the use and doseage tweakage of adex on cycle.
Is there some rough or general guideline you could suggest when using it to control existing or preventing gyno or e related issues, such as physical symptoms which might tell one that he is at the “right” level of control?

I know you’re not a doctor but you have a wealth of experience and knowledge that few others have regarding this.

                Sorry for the hijack Aragorn, but I think you and everyone will benefit from this.



I don’t think that readers here are worried about scripts. You can order blood work on your own from LEF.org and other places. LEF has blood work on sale, April through June 2nd. But to get the good prices, one has to be a member.

With no adex on a cycle of aromatizing gear, E2 will climb. Masteron or proviron would counter act some of that. Guys in TRT can feel great, but after one month, they start to go down hill, less libido and sense of well-being. The E2 comes up quite fast when starting TRT or gear. It takes some time for the E to alter brain function and other tissues. When does this in TRT, adding adex 1mg/wk can restore libido in 10-14 days. Libido is a fast acting indicator of E2 status. After starting adex, other E created problems such mood, depression, apathy, passivism, energy will normalize mostly over 2 months and there will not be any changes after 3 months. So that is the time scale of things. One can have high T levels and elevated E2 and have all of the symptoms of hypogonadsim. So E can wipe out most of the benefits of T. TRT without adex can be almost like no TRT at all. With TRT, one can see and understand the processes and consequences that may not be so obvious in the duration of a cycle.

E2 normal statistical lab range is [0-53pg/ml]. An elevated E2 in the upper 30’s can create all of the problems noted above. Men who were part of the same group that created numbers in the 50-'s would be experiencing a terrible quality of life [QOL]. Unfortunately, most docs would see that and say that they were normal as in a normal state of health… totally wrong!

There are some, a few but not rare, who are adex over-responders. They start on the otherwise excellent starting dose of 1mg/wk. The goal for E2 is the lower 20s but they go single digits. On the way down they have a fleeting feeling of improvement and libido, but that is lost as they fall “through the sweet spot”. They will typically do well on 1/4 or 1/8ht of a mg/wk.

If you lower E2 too much, you can feel a mental change that is not good, mood changes, loss of libido, perhaps a loss of sexual sensitivity [numb dick]. So that is your feedback sign. Not very precise. If your are on a cycle where you are changing the mix over time, then you have a changing need for adex that might be hard to manage with or without blood work. So it will be obvious when things are too low. Another sign is joint aches or pain.

Adex is competitive with T levels. When you have more T, you need more adex. For a strong cycle, normal responders could try .5mg EOD. But that may not be enough. Need also increases with body mass and %BF. Would hold this higher adex dose part way into taper, noting that T level drop is a time delay of the dosage drop. Note that a lean 160 pound TRT guy on 100mg/wk test ester will typically need 1mg/wk. Scale that by body mass. That can be used during PCT a while after one tapers of or tapers to 100mg/wk. Stay on that a while after PCT to protect the HPTA from estrogen rebound. Reduce to 1/2mg and stay with that for a few weeks then quit.

A doctor would typically have no idea about using adex during a cycle and PCT. You are substantially on your own. Any reduction of E2 that is above optimal [lower 20’s] will still be of great benefit. As an experiment, get 5-6 weeks into a cycle without adex, then introduce it and see what your mind and body has to say about that.

Guys who are adex over-responders who do labs find that the results are not of much use to adjust a dose and only indicates that they need to take less. But their minds and bodies were telling them this already. They need to bracket their dose until they feel that QOL is a lot better. Then they can do E2 blood work. If their E2 number is x% above or below 20, then they can make an x% change in the dose. The response is not completely linear, but is for all practical purposes it is linear as one approaches the E2 target level.

Estrogen rebound: Someone here that everyone knows, and will not be named, had a libido crash after a cycle and PCT. That was done with a SERM PCT and no adex at all. He had a terrible QOL and was quite upset about it. I explained that what he was reporting was consistent with an estrogen rebound shutting him down. I suggested adex use and duration, can’t recall the details. He PM’d back and found that the adex was like a switch and his life was back. As with TRT guys with estrogen poisoning, adex was an epiphany.

e·piph·a·ny (-pf-n)
n. pl. e·piph·a·nies

  1. Epiphany

    a. A sudden manifestation of the essence or meaning of something.
    b. A comprehension or perception of reality by means of a sudden intuitive realization: “I experienced an epiphany, a spiritual flash that would change the way I viewed myself” Frank Maier.[/quote]

Thanks KS,

You never fail to deliver the “goods”.
Great post.

On the topic of tests, there are unfortunately some of us who simply can’t afford the tests out there. I’m one of them. Really, really strapped while going to school and taking care of a young one, so, up a bit of a creek, and thus the request for more obvious physical “signs”.

You delivered a complete and sound answer and again, I thank you for everyones sake.


[quote]KSman wrote:
Aragorn wrote:
Great thoughts KSman. What the heck do you do for a living? I’ve always been curious. Are you a practicing MD with a fetish for research biochemistry literature, or are you a research chemist?

An old Mechanical Engineer who reads too much. I find many of the system aspects of body to just be another system to understand. I now sell business accounting systems, payroll, manufacturing, HR, etc. I do this [hormone stuff] to preserve my sanity. I had one person with scleroderma who used to tell everyone that I saved her life, hooked her [then expected to die in the hospital] up with research and she then later became the national ‘poster child’ for the effectiveness of this treatment. There is an indication that a gal with MS who I asked to try high dose vitamin-D is not going to have the typical early spring flare-up this year. My interests go beyond TRT.

I like T-Nation because everyone here wants to learn and are often seeking something that will help them. In the real world, I cannot get guys that I know to accept the notion that they should do anything proactive about their health. [/quote]

I knew there was a reason I liked engineers…That is way cool.

Man Aragorn, I don’t know where this thread was yesterday, but I appear to have completely missed it up until now. To my detriment.

Sounds like these guys have got most of it covered for you. I will add that, now that I can speak from experience and not just hearsay, you are going to LOVE the tren!

Good luck.

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
Aragorn wrote:

Any reason for pinning hCG at 50 iu EOD instead of 250 iu twice a week/E3D like most people recommend? I don’t recall having seen the 50 iu EOD recommendation anywhere.

You won’t have seen this elsewhere unless by ‘parallel evolution’, because I just ‘made it up’, based upon the compounds used in the cycle Vs cycle length and other parameters.


Fine by me. You tend to think things through when you post advice anyway :). It just seems most everyone recommends 200-250 iu twice a week as a “physiologic” dose, even here. Just curious. I’ll have to do some reading on this after I get everything else in order. I don’t have the patience to wade through literature now.

[quote]Cortes wrote:
Man Aragorn, I don’t know where this thread was yesterday, but I appear to have completely missed it up until now. To my detriment.

Sounds like these guys have got most of it covered for you. I will add that, now that I can speak from experience and not just hearsay, you are going to LOVE the tren!

Good luck.[/quote]

Lol. It wasn’t up yesterday. I put it up about 10 hours ago because I was tired of writing and staring at beta amyloid fibrils and CD/FT-IR spectra :). I know everyone keeps saying that, and I can’t friggin wait. I’ll probably put up one more thread (LAST ONE, I promise!!!) on nutrition and training opinions since I know people here are knowledgeable, but only when I have the time to plan out my training cycles. And that won’t be for a while. There are some specific questions I’ve got for people who’ve “been there done that”. You can catch that one ;).

[quote]Aragorn wrote:

Lol. It wasn’t up yesterday. I put it up about 10 hours ago because I was tired of writing and staring at beta amyloid fibrils and CD/FT-IR spectra :).

How could you possibly tire of that?

I know everyone keeps saying that, and I can’t friggin wait. I’ll probably put up one more thread (LAST ONE, I promise!!!) on nutrition and training opinions since I know people here are knowledgeable, but only when I have the time to plan out my training cycles. And that won’t be for a while. There are some specific questions I’ve got for people who’ve “been there done that”. You can catch that one ;).[/quote]

I’m there, man!