19sixty RESTOMOD

New Guy here…59.5years in the books,

DL 3x275, 3x295, 11x315
wide grip supinated pulldowns 4x12
single arm straight arm pulldowns 4x10
Cable curl with straight bar 3x18

Battled patella tendinitis in both knees for about a year, Had shoulder surgery six weeks ago to repair torn labrum , shave the bicep tendon, remove bone spurs…Using 5/3/1 for DL… will attempt to back squat Tuesday for the 1st time in 18 months, have to see if my shoulder can handle the rotation to get my hand in position.


Master OG you have finally returned!

Good to have you back!

in the flesh! Thanks CL…

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Good to see you back in the game.

Thanks Crippler, I trust you are well

Pendlay rows 4x5x155
Farmers walks 6x115 Ea hand for 30 seconds
Single arm DB press
right arm 10x55, 8x65, 8x65, 5x70
left arm 10x15, 8x25, 8x25, 8x35
EZ bar Tri ext 12x60 2x10x70
Spider curl 3x8x20s supersettted with
reverse curl ez bar 3x8x40
face pull 3x10


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Amazing array of ailments. Glad you’re still with us with no new cancer.

I forgot to ask if you’re back to semi annual posting.

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Biker-you know I miss you !!!

Tried to squat Tuesday…shoulder said no go

Plate loaded squat mach. 4x7x4plate
Donkey calf mach 4x12x300
Bulgarian split sq. 3x7sidex35lb dbs
Seated arm curl 4x45sec per set. reps around 15 weight I have no idea its some crazy machine
face pulls 3x12x45

30 min till incline 5.5
2 min row superseded with pallofpress 10 reps
did that 5x

Incline DB
right arm 3x6x80
left arm 3x6x45
Sup wide grip pulldown 4 x12x100 …shoulder doesn’t like more than that yet
single arm straight arm push down 3x8x45 right 3x8x35 left
single arm low high cable fly
right 40
left 20/30
face pulls 3x12x55

I officially declare rehab worse than my 401K

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Dl 5x295, 3x315, 7x335
suitcase dead 3x5sidex115
db ohp
right arm 8x60, 6x65,7x65
left arm 3x15x25
Ez bar tri ext 3x10x70
db hammer curl 3x8x25s
rev curl 3x9x40
rop tri pulldown 4x15x35
straight bar row 4x15x80

Sucky DL day my legs had no drive…sucky shoulder day my left was very cranky and didn’t want to play along…back at it tomorrow.

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Interesting you’re deadlifting that much with the medical issues you had.

I think he needs to change his name to… Tough Old Goat!

that position of the shoulder isn’t an issue…BP on the other hand, OHP with bar and back squats…not happening yet.

Went to the gym this AM… I was the only one, had the place to myself, of course I was locked outside…she be shut down…heading to Steve’s

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You decide to start posting when all the gyms are closing.

Son in law’s sister has the virus, mild so far.

Hey, another person in my age range who likes to lift, always good to see! I’m lucky enough to have a home gym to see me through all this virus stuff, but hang in there, this too shall pass.

OTHSteve -Back in business… reached out to the trainer who worked my kids in HS and college and got a bar and bumper plates from 10-55lbs… Ordered a set of farmers bars…they arrived yesterday. wife and daughter going to join me in the driveway for some carries at 10AM

DL worked up to. 4x3x305
RDL 4x8x135
Pendlay row 4x6x145

nothing too hard but nice to have weights to move. Bands and tubes are fine for some things but its just not the same…weight vest is getting some use…need to find a place to chin


DL 4x3x315
RDL 4x8x165
Farmers carries 4x30secsx115 each hand
some band stuff

Trap bar showed up last night so another tool to mess with.

Framers were awesome. My wife and kids were all out there The ladies went first with their weight and then my son and I…other families are out jogging or riding bikes but the old people in our neighborhood rock Farmers! so I can only imagine what people think. Going to use suitcase carries mid week and farmers on weekend

I got my Farmers bars from Titan Fitness for $88 including shipping…if anyone is interested

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Hmm, I may have to take a look. Because of all this, my collection of equipment it getting bigger.

Hey Crippler hope you and yours are well. Good addition also bought a landmine attachment for $25 on Amazon… creates some more variety

Landmine chop 3x8side
Suitcase Dead 4x6side
Trap Bar banded dead 4x5x240 + green band
Exercise tube curls 4x10

Landmine floor press, half kneeling press, standing press, meadows rows,

Cant remember exactly what as I was just experimenting to figure out how to best utilize the landmine

Rev curls, Band hammer curls

Had 2-3 inches of snow here this AM… Farmers carries must wait until tomorrow

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I got one of these. I like it.

good use $25, very versatile!! Hey you not posting anymore or did you change log names?Hope you and yours. are well.

RDL 4x8x155
Pendlay row 4x6x145
Farmers carries 4x110ea hand x30 sec

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