12 Weeks After a 12 Week Cycle, Test Results

Hi, I finished a successful 12 week test E only cycle (hcg and ai when needed) with a 4 week pct (my 3rd over 2 years) and according to test results during cycle everything was on track. I waited 12 weeks and did another blood test and here are the results. Should I be concerned or can I go back to another 12 week cycle? Many thanks!
I am 50, weigh 69kgs, 171cm, 12% body fat and train and lift 5 hours a week.

Good job on the blood work. You took all the appropriate labs. Looks like your HPTA is struggling. Test is low so E2 is also low. FSH/LH is low. At your age and with these results I would say TRT is your option. Or you could continue another cycle.