I just went for a 12 week BW and was retested for the normal stuff with added tests for curiosity. At this point my testosterone seems to be in optimal ranges for a 50mg Cypionate twice a week and 350iu HCG three times a week. No AI.
Seeing my E2 is now about >50, I do not think I am experiencing E2 side effects but should an AI be administered at this point?
I still have frequency with urination, and some days I am light headed, also appetite isn’t really there, sometimes I have some brain farts. No energy boost and motivation yet. My main concern is my frequency of ruination but I have gone through almost all tests which have proven my bladder functions normal, prostate is normal, no UTI, no STD, no Lymes, no bacteria, kidneys are normal. MRI of the pelvis is normal, ultra sound of the abdomen is normal, MRI of my brain is normal.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, but as of right now I am not getting much out of my TRT protocol.
Need to post labs with ranges. E2 sensitive test?
Total t? Free t?
If your e2 crept up you may not see full benefits of trt.
I’m a new user so I can only post one at a time sorry about that.
so if e2 elevates then we stop trt?
@checkdis Stop taking dhea. That’s the cause of your issues with levels like that.
With a dhea level that high I would look into adrenal issues. How’re your sleep and stress levels?
Yeah that is what I was thinking. But my scans showed no tumors. It must be down to the cellular level