@systemlord I’ve read a lot of your post I belive your the best person to ask an opinion regarding my situation could you please let me know what you think?
I started trt 2 years ago initially 250mg sustanon every 3 weeks through nhs you can immagine the roller coater I would feel good for 2rd week but 1st and 3rd week was bad. Weight gone from 79kg to 86kg
So I went private Dr. Put me on 125mg 1x week,only good sign I had with this protocol was high libido. I tried to increase at 150 mg for a while and then reduce it to 100mg as well for 6/8 weeks and I found that I feel best at in 125mg as the side effects were less pronounced. The main issues I had even at 125mg was serious brain fog, mild fatigue and water retention /bloating. I went from 86kg to 98kg with my body composition getting worse. On and off I used 0.125mg ai twice par week and never manage to dial in but from time to time I could see the hint of trt working I would feel mentally extremely sharp, physically composed organized and energetic and a sky high libido.
Splitting 2 injection helped slightly with sides but nothing major I added arimidex and even tho it killed me libido it helped me to lose weight with a diet in low sodium and sugar, high protein and calories between 1850-2000. I dropped 10kg I am sitting at 88kg now.
I recently passed to eod protocol doing 30mg sustanon with insulin pin for shallow IM injecting delts, ventroglute and quads.
Ive been in for 3 weeks and for first 2 weeks I loved it as it got me really dry, for the first time in 2 years I could see my abs and my face looks way better no more moon face. But I am feeling side effects like fatigue sleepiness(sleeping 10h a night yet feel tired) loss of libido, irritated and short tampered and I feel like I am having obsessive thought if something gets to me I can’t move on from it. I don’t feel motivated at all in doing anything working studying or Working out.
Think is on my 2nd day I feel my libido getting slightly better but as I Inject it goes again, thinking my dose is high I tried to wait 1 day extra before injecting and I was feel really shit.
I read some post were some members e2 crushed when going on eod so yesterday I tried increasing my dose like I was injecting 2x week 62.5mg today I feel mentally better more calm and relaxed but fatigued bloated and no libido again.
Looks like either way I go nothing is working, I wanted to get bloodtest but seen the situation 3 weeks and different changes it would be a waste of money.
Bloods on 125mg 1x week no ai were
Test 19nmol (8-29)
E2 52pg/ml
Shbg 20
125mg sustanon x1 + 0.25mg x1 ai
Test 26nmol
E2 121pmol (41-159)
Shbg 17.7
On 150mg split in 3x week +ai 0.25mg x3
Test 33nmol
E2 too low to be measured
Shbg 14
I think this applies to much of your post. You aren’t waiting long enough in between your protocols to effectively gauge how you feel. Sure, you may notice a difference relatively soon, but you need 6-8 weeks minimum on a protocol before assessing if that is the right protocol for you.
If you’re having a hard time with sides (mostly e2) from larger injections, have you considered microdosing as to avoid the need for AI?
Thanks for the replay bro, normally I do wait good 8 weeks before doing bloodtest and asses a protocol but this time episodes of the aggression and fatigue were getting too much.
I tried microdosing at 0.125mg 1x week and it was a a roller-coaster tried twice par week still few weeks I am fine then it would crush my e2, gym wise I would feel great pumps better composition less water retention but libido would be completely gone also it has negative impact on my cholesterol levels so I was looking to try changing frequency to find my sweet spot.
With eod just didn’t get if I go lower I feel worse if I go up with dose I feel bad as well only hypothesis I could come up with is that test levels being too high reduce libido and cause fatigue while small injections don’t convert enough into e2 so when I injected on 3rd day my e2 already low went even lower making me feel shit otherwise I am short of ideas.
How on earth do I sound like Danny Bossa? Danny is far more knowledgeable about TRT. Danny is the only person who helped me get off of AI use. Say what you will about the way he speaks sometimes, but I truly believe he he wants to, and does help people.
Honestly, with the amount of ignorant garbage thrown his way here, I’m surprised he lasted as long as he did.
The mods seem to pick sides on certain things, and don’t seem to be objective.
He had some conspiracy level beliefs about iodine. I switched to iodized salt just to see if it would help me. Didn’t do much, but at least that experiment didn’t cost me anything.
I think his blanket recommendation (or so I remember it) of taking 1 mg of adex for every 100 mg of Test was pretty terrible though.
I sometimes see his posts and wonder if he is alive. I think he was mid 70s when he was posting a few years back.