Ok so that’s me. I wanna hear your opinion. I’ve been working out 1 year. I’m 6ft 2" . Hope there’s not a rule about not showing the face. I carry some fat, I will start cutting soon, just 3 more months of doing mass.
Actually right one is a little bigger. But that’s the way I hit it. Right arm is a little closer to the camera and flexed more. I forgot to tell my age, I’m almost 16. Traps, I don’t want them, cuz I have long neck, if I would develop it fully I would look like a freakin pencil (like I’m not already tall and skinny). I don’t think my arms are so overpowering (or maybe I got an obsession about their size).
Maybe if you look at the last pic which is from september. Funny that you mentioned my arms are so overpowering but legs aren’t. I’m still working on chest, but I’ve added some thickness last months. I need to get cut for summer. I won’t wait till I’m 100kgs or so. I don’t know what my weight is, but when I weighted in april I was 85kg and I was way more skinnier. I think I weigh 90-95kg.
Overpowering arms are ilusion, just the way I hit the poses make my arms look big, they don’t look so overpowering when unflexed and not touching the body. Thank you for opinions. It’s good to hear what other think.
Lol nice to here that the’re photoshopped. :d It’s kinda like someone is natty, but others are calling aas. And btw. I can’t handle any advanced graphic program like gimp or photoshop. The only thing I did is cover the face. And I though my arms are lacking. But either way I will blast them these 3 months, cuz this time I know I’mdoing everything right, back, chest, triceps, biceps etc.
Last months I gave up working out biceps for 1.5 months. And after that I couldn’t do it good, with a good pump. Triceps too, I should’ve increased weight for dips, it would be bigger now. But I improved chest and back a little. So maybe the last pic from september looks retarded. And which one looks ps’ed?