1 Shot Of Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Chia Seeds, and Cayenne Pepper For Heart/Vessels/Bowels

It seems like the majority of problems are a result of high blood pressure and heart issues when it comes to excessive hormones.

I ran across this “recipe” to reduce inflammation and vasodilation.

It’s a shot of extra virgin olive oil, chia seeds, and cayenne pepper.

It’s claimed to make you feel fuller to eat less (which could be good during cutting, but not so much during bulking unless you can force eat). Furthermore, as it works in the intestines, it reduces bloating, which can be caused by higher estrogen that occurs during cycles.

Is this bunk within the pharma community or would it have merit?


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How many times have I seen something make this claim? Usually from someone selling it, or getting paid to promote it.

There is nothing magical about olive oil, or peppers, or chia seeds. I would bet $1000 that you could drink a bottle of this mix daily and see zero changes except for extra oily shits.

You could always try it and see what the outcome is and tell us if it works. It costs literally nothing. I use all three ingredients in my daily meals but not in this combination.
What is the difference between his method and:

drizzling a tablespoon or two of olive oil on a salad
mixing chia seeds in with my morning yogurt
adding cayenne pepper to my chicken burrito


In this case, just promoting it because he shows the simple ingredients to mix yourself and take as a shot.

The purported difference, per the video, is that when taken as a shot 10 minutes prior to a meal, it also makes you feel fuller, leading you to not feel hungry and overeat so that you can force adhering to a strict caloric deficient diet.

I only ask this question because I do use olive oil, but not the pepper or seeds.

On this forum, supplements like CoQ10 are promoted for heart issues as opposed to a blend of natural ingredients when this could do the same at a fraction of the price.

I don’t know if I’d trust this as my “heart supplement” over board recommendations of CoQ10, but, the claim that it prevented bloat does interest me because I get “airy” from estrogen, and if that could go away, my belly wouldn’t naturally extend out as far (if that’s also attributed to intestine inflammation too, would need a CT scan during a high estrogen episode to figure that, I would think). Definitely something to try as being gassy bothers me more than anything (I take the risk of heart/liver damage from use, but if this could help, why not, and why not take it if it prevents gas?).

I’ll eat ass on a first date and this seems worse.

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You’re ingesting something with calories before a meal, of course that should make you feel “fuller”. You’re also taking in at least 120 cal of oil; is that being balanced by eating 120 fewer calories for the meal?

You mentioned using this instead of a supplement like CoQ10: is there evidence for that? Can you post it?

I just don’t buy it. I am very skeptical of social media miracle cures.

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It doesn’t sound like you watched the video: Start at 1:20. Per the video, the claim is chia seeds give you lots of satiety (Leptin) where you won’t overeat but are left with lots of energy.

In essence, it sounds like the 120 calories are stretched throughout the day to not feel hungry, not just the 1 meal.

Again, taking things out of context. I said:

I am essentially saying that CoC10 is promoted here while alternatives that could do the same (that I have no support for because it’s not discussed here) exist and could be lesser, equal to, or more beneficial than CoC10. This statement was meant to create dialogue for alternatives that may not be widely known. Way cheaper alternatives, at that, if price is a concern, just to add some level of protection.

I’ll still use CoC10 over this, but wondered if anyone had studies of the two or the two used in conjunction together to be even better, or if this would essentially be a placebo over CoC10, even if used together.

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“Could do the same” is really carrying that sentence. When there’s proof that they ACTUALLY DO the same thing, wake me up.

You sure don’t comprehend much…

Again, this was to create dialogue for those who have studied it to enter the chat. Obviously, there has to be some merit to this because it’s coming from presumably a doctor with over 5 million subscribers, just he didn’t cite anything while others here may have studied it to know for sure.