1-AD Original

Hey guys,

Was wondering if anyone experienced these symptoms long ago when 1-AD was still legal. After taking my dosage, (actually more like 3-4 hours) sometimes I will get these raised skin irritations.

Basically, they look like large mosquito bites and they can be rather itchy. I’m fairly sure it’s the chemical because my diet is fairly consistent and I haven’t experienced any allergies with it in the past.

I’ve heard of burning urination and thankfully that is not a problem. =D.

Sounds like an allergic reaction if i ever heard one… could be a shellfish or nut or soya or grass or spore allergy to the filler perhaps…

Just a guess

[quote]hexx wrote:
Hey guys,

Was wondering if anyone experienced these symptoms long ago when 1-AD was still legal. After taking my dosage, (actually more like 3-4 hours) sometimes I will get these raised skin irritations.

Basically, they look like large mosquito bites and they can be rather itchy. I’m fairly sure it’s the chemical because my diet is fairly consistent and I haven’t experienced any allergies with it in the past.

I’ve heard of burning urination and thankfully that is not a problem. =D. [/quote]

How old is your AD? Is it in gelcaps?

If it is an oil carrier like the old MAG-10, you could have rancid oil if the 1-ad is very old.

Miliaria - Wikipedia [/quote]


Mystery solved (if anyone is interested)

[quote]hexx wrote:
Mystery solved (if anyone is interested)


Why would you take something that does this to you?

I could understand taking it if the gains were huge - but they’re not.

hey man those could be skin lesions, i took the old school 1ad and i have these things on my chest, are they kinda bubbly looking where you have them at, if so, then its most likely skin lesion, and if so, a special dermatologist, can give u surgery or some sort of medication to reduce the size of them

I had similar symptoms while using HOT-ROX EXTREME.
Also with Accutane.

[quote]balljack8 wrote:
I had similar symptoms while using HOT-ROX EXTREME.
Also with Accutane.

Let’s see how long this stays here for…

By the way, I solved my whole issue with a tiny amount of antihistamine.