Your Very First Post on T-Nation

What was it?
(if you can look that far back)

I don’t have first posts, I only have last posts.

[quote]Nate112 wrote:
I don’t have first posts, I only have last posts.[/quote]


"Has anyone actually tried to get ahold of this guy, to let him know that there are thousands of people who know how to do this better than he does? He did beg for a plan, a regimen. It seems only fair that we bombard him with a hundred or so conflicting opinions about how he should continue so that he can sift through the bullshit and make some of his own guestimates.

btw, as far as whether or not hes male, did the references to his wife, and the fact that his kids call him “daddy” confuse you? or were you too busy trying to figure out how to tie your shoes? TIP: they’re not really bunny ears, you are allowed to tie them together."

link, page 2:

It was either in CrimsonLily’s log, or I told a dude who didn’t know how much his bar weighed to hold it and a plate and see if he fell over.

Jesus, there’s no telling what fucked up shit I said. I’ll check.

Christ, I was a goober back then. All respectful and dedicated to lifting. What a tool.

Good lawd I’ve come a long way…

Nice to know 265 used to give me a back pump.


Ugh…giving a noob advice when I didn’t know anything either. facepalm

I found mine. HAHAHA You guys probably thought it would’ve been in SAMA. This is from circa 2004.

can you sub the hack squat for something else, i work in the garage and dont have all the rt equipment.thanks for the reply

I told someone to use the search function, then ImHungry called me out and pretty much told me I was a douche.

[quote]WolBarret wrote:
Jesus, there’s no telling what fucked up shit I said. I’ll check.

Christ, I was a goober back then. All respectful and dedicated to lifting. What a tool.[/quote]

LOL I know the feeling.
I rolled my eyes a lot about what I was posting early on. I was so intimidated by Professor X too; I remember wanting to ask him a question but thinking I would get verbally beaten if I asked it stupidly.

[quote]ucallthatbass wrote:
I told someone to use the search function, then ImHungry called me out and pretty much told me I was a douche.

I did not!!! LIAR!!!

Did I?

I wanted to see my abz again and be ripped!!!

I got flamed.

Holy shit! I then went on to say that I didn’t want to join a gym in case I got bored of lifting after a few months, “so, hey, has anyone got any exercises for 5kg dumbbells and an exercise bike?”

Fucking hell.

Mine was : “Can blind people see their dreams?”

No just kidding it was about a joint supplement recommendation but posts after that were pretty noobish and dickish.

Ooh yea. My first post was about the difference between a dive bomber and a hindu pushup. My second was something about steroids in baseball. People got angry.

It’s funny how when you look back that long ago seems like a different person.

mine was the dumbest so far… “I was wondering if workling out the lower body less than the upper body can hold back the upper body from progressing? I work out every other day for about 2 hours on upper body alone and thats it”… God i was a dumbass back then… thanks to Phill I don’t resemble a 120 Watt lightbulb right now.

[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:
Ooh yea. My first post was about the difference between a dive bomber and a hindu pushup. My second was something about steroids in baseball. People got angry.

It’s funny how when you look back that long ago seems like a different person. [/quote]

Yeah man, evolution and progress as a person is pretty cool, when people can do it.

[quote]countingbeans wrote:
FightinIrish26 wrote:
Ooh yea. My first post was about the difference between a dive bomber and a hindu pushup. My second was something about steroids in baseball. People got angry.

It’s funny how when you look back that long ago seems like a different person.

Yeah man, creationism and progress as a person is pretty cool, when people can do it.[/quote]


[quote]imhungry wrote:
ucallthatbass wrote:
I told someone to use the search function, then ImHungry called me out and pretty much told me I was a douche.

I did not!!! LIAR!!!

Did I?[/quote]

Kinda in not so many words.