For those of you old enough to have them. I’ll tolerate a few 90’s, but I’m not sure anything important happened in that decade other than the rapid decline in good music toward the end.
Atari 2600
Trying to decipher scrambled Cinemax porn
Wearing those gay Zubaz pants, despite not being gay, though that might have crossed into the 90’s. Not sure, I try to repress that one
Carrying one of those big handled combs in the back pocket
-Getting a Commodore 64 for Christmas in mid-80’s. It was awesome.
-Watching original airing of Lonesome Dove ('89)
-Watching dad try and figure out how to record it with vcr.
-the huge shoulder-mounted VHS camcorders.
-going to Houston Oilers games.
-Trapper Keepers with totally rad designs on them
-going to Houston Astros games with my dad and going completely apeshit when the announcer introduced Jose Cruz 'cause they always drew out every syllable in his name for what seemed like five minutes