So yesterday I go to give myself my daily shot of Tren, I’m currently running it at 100mg ED.
Because it’s only 1cc I’ve found that into areas that I’m leaner (Such as biceps) I can push the tren through a 30ga assuming it’s attached to a 1cc barrel.
So I get everything ready, draw up the tren with my 20ga, swap over to my 30ga and I’m ready to go. I get that 30ga stuck into my biceps and start pressing, I get about half a cc in and I’m getting ready to pull out and throw the other half cc in the other head of my biceps when the barrel blows off the pin. Resulting in about half a cc of tren everywhere.
In and of itself this wouldn’t have been so bad as it pretty much just covered my arm. . . except that some ricoched into my eyes. So I start cleaning things up and then the burning starts and I realize what’s happened, I also realize that I forgot to pull the 30ga pin out of my arm and I’ve been walking around with it stuck in there for the last 30sec or so. So I yank the pin out just as I’m starting to go blind.
I rush to the bathroom and start washing my eyes out with water to try and clear the stuff and stop the burning but it’s not working. . .which is when I realize that trying to flush oil out of your eyes with splashed water just isn’t going to happen.
My girfriend (wonderful girl that she is) is standing there laughing.
So I realize that I’m going to need some sort of soap product to take care of this so I ask her to hand me the shampoo figuring that a liquid soap will get in there better than lather off a bar will. God bless the girl, she works with children and she hands me the tear free childrens shampoo that she keeps laying around.
So there I am, over the sink, holding my eyes open alternately with one hand and shampooing my eyeballs with the other. . . possibly the strangest thing I’ve ever done.
Suffice it to say that I spent the rest of yesterday and today in glasses rather than my contact lenses. . . my nose also didn’t stop running all night because I think I inhaled some of the oil when it exploded on my arm.
Somebody needs to warn people about this, nobody told me that I needed to wear safety goggles while injecting!