[quote]Renton wrote:
My gym looked like that last time I went to take my pre-workout Spike but dropped acid instead.[/quote]
It’s funny, but now that you mention it, blotter paper does look confusingly similar to inch-long yellow pills with Spike written on them.
That would certainly explain some of the more interesting things in my logbook…
Deadlift: 135 x 5 185 x 5 225 x ??? 275 x 3 or something, I wasn't really paying attentionIt would be easier to count reps if the bar didn’t keep moving on it’s own.
neighbor’s car x 5 x ?
Don’t know how many work sets I did, I had to stop when my neighbor came out told me to stop messing with his car.
Sled drag:
neighbor x 50m
neighbor + tree x ??? (long way???)
Got lost on my second drag - neighbor claims I wasn’t moving, but the tree says we went downtown to pick up hookers for the sled. I don’t know who to believe, that tree has lied to me before.