This site has the best articles and the strongest, fastest and biggest community, so I’m starting this progress log to benefit from feedback on my training, hopefully benefit everyone myself, and increase my discipline and organisation.
Current stats:
Bodyweight: 194lb
Deadlift 200kgx5
Deadstop Squat 165kgx5 (down from 400lbx5 due to groin pull from sprinting)
Bench 112.5kgx3+2 (only just started benching - I always did dips before, then I switched to deadstop bench and got up to 122.5kgx5, now I’m doing normal benching and working on keeping my scapulae retracted)
Press 77.5kgx3
Chins 134kgx5
I started lifting at 155lb after losing about 10lb LBM due to a 14-hour-a-day manual labour job and poor nutrition. My girlfriend (now wife) correctly noted that I looked like a bitch. I read a bit about lifting and started eating about 3000 calories a day and squatting weekly, but I didn’t train properly for the first two years, didn’t eat properly for the the first three and didn’t deadlift or bench for the first three and a half (I did rack pulls and dips instead). After reading more on tnation, I now take my training and nutrition very seriously, and I’m aiming to deadlift 660lb, deadstop squat 500lb and bench 400lb at 210-215lb within the next 3 years. I train for strength and speed. My size gains are a bonus.
I work 40-50hrs per week, and my 3 kids under 5 keep me pretty busy, so I lift heavy two days per week and often fit in a sprint session as well when I can.
I train on Wed and Fri, and I’ll update after each session.
8 week goals:
Deadlift 215kgx5
Deadstop Squat 180kgx5 (back up to PB level - I’ll never sprint without warming up properly again)
Bench 120kgx5
Press 80kgx5
Chin 50kgx5
Curl 60kgx5
100m sprint: 11.2sec
END OF 2011 GOALS: increase each lift by 10-15%. Deadlift 540lbx5. Sub-11sec 100m sprint - beat my brother.
Bodyweight (weekly) - aim for 205lb in next 8 weeks
Strength levels - progress each workout
Waist (biweekly)
Lower Body
Deadlift / Deadstop Squat (alternate each week) 1x5
RDL 1x8
Reverse Hyper 2x8
Barbell Curl 2x10
Ab Wheel Rollout 2x8
Upper Body
Bench 1x5
Chin 1x5
Press 1x5
Barbell Curl 1x5, 1x8
Ab Wheel Rollout 1x8
DAILY MOBILITY ROUTINE (hip flexors, hamstrings, glute activation)
- Shoulder Dislocates
- Scap Pushups
- Fire Hydrants
- LAX ball Glute and Periformis massage with static stretch
- Single Leg Supine Bridge
- Prone Scorpion
- Walking Spiderman with Overhead Reach
- Kossack Squats
Warrior lunge hip flexor stretch
Prone ITB/TFL stretch
Double neck stretches
Front of Quad, hip to kneecap (TFL)
Side of Quad (IT band)
Inside of Quad (Abductor Magnus and Vastus Medialis)
Thoracic Extensions - 3 reps, glutes on ground
Rhomboids - arms crossed over chest, mid-spine to shoulders
LAX ball for calves and feet
Max effort sprints: 6x10mx60secs, 6x20mx60secs, 3x30mx90secs
NUTRITION - 6000 calories - 600g carbs, 350g fat, 275g protein.
Mobility routine 5.30
1 litre of water
1 piece of fruit
Breakfast 1 6.00
100g spinach
100g berries
4 scoops oats
1 scoop milk protein
2 pints whole milk
2 tbsp olive oil
Breakfast 2 8.00
4 scoops oats
100g berries
2 pints whole milk
100g spinach
2 tbsp olive oil
Snack 10.30
500g Greek Yoghurt
Lunch 1.00
150g rice/potatoes
100g meat
Mixed veg and salad
Snack 4
Oats and whey flapjack
Dinner 6.30
200g beetroot
4 eggs/beef
2 tbsp olive oil
Snack 8.30
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp coconut oil
1 tbsp flax
200g cottage cheese
2 pints whole milk before training
2 pints whole milk after training
Sweet potatoes and steak
My favourite thing about this site is that I don’t feel the need to explain why I’m willing to put in the extreme discipline and dedication to progress further when I’m already reasonably strong. If people have to ask that, then they’re never going to understand.