'Would a Curfew for Men Be Good for Society?'

Vice asking the important questions.

Don’t want anyone to miss this gem. Mostly as this forum is filled with those nasty cis, white, male, oppressors who need some boundaries set on their privilege.

I am in bed by 10:30-11 PM every night, so I may not notice a curfew.

Well then you’re unlikely to be one of these rapists plaguing society anyway, are you?

What a stupid ass idea. So since .001% of the population commits rape, let’s trample on the freedoms of 100% of the men. Sounds like a great idea.

[quote]NorCal916 wrote:
What a stupid ass idea. So since .001% of the population commits rape, let’s trample on the freedoms of 100% of the men. Sounds like a great idea. [/quote]

Sorta sounds like the argument over the 2nd…

[quote]countingbeans wrote:

[quote]NorCal916 wrote:
What a stupid ass idea. So since .001% of the population commits rape, let’s trample on the freedoms of 100% of the men. Sounds like a great idea. [/quote]

Sorta sounds like the argument over the 2nd… [/quote]

Doesn’t it though?
Same could be said of your first amendment too.

If we accept the premise that preventive laws creating victimless “crimes” can be good for society, then why would a curfew NOT be good? A curfew for men is probably more effective than one for women, but why not give everyone a curfew? Even if men commit the majority of crimes, women still commit some, so why not completely eliminate crime? Considering that curfew passes could be issued to those who have to work(because, gee-whiz, all that really matters is that people be permitted to produce tax revenue, right?) late, this seems like a wonderful idea.

[quote]NickViar wrote:
If we accept the premise that preventive laws creating victimless “crimes” can be good for society, then why would a curfew NOT be good? A curfew for men is probably more effective than one for women, but why not give everyone a curfew? Even if men commit the majority of crimes, women still commit some, so why not completely eliminate crime? Considering that curfew passes could be issued to those who have to work(because, gee-whiz, all that really matters is that people be permitted to produce tax revenue, right?) late, this seems like a wonderful idea. [/quote]

So would you be for criminalizing “Loitering After Hours”? Wouldn’t the crimes (rapes, sexual assault et al) just move inside?

And how many rapes are committed in public areas after hours Nick? I imagine they mostly occur on private property.

[quote]When it comes to peaceful partying," Beltrán said, “women are always the best behaved.”


Gem from the article

[quote]therajraj wrote:

[quote]When it comes to peaceful partying," BeltrÃ?¡n said, “women are always the best behaved.”


Gem from the article[/quote]

yeah… this hasn’t been my experience.

weaves…weaves everywhere

[quote]NorCal916 wrote:
So would you be for criminalizing “Loitering After Hours”? Wouldn’t the crimes (rapes, sexual assault et al) just move inside?

And how many rapes are committed in public areas after hours Nick? I imagine they mostly occur on private property.


Personally, I don’t accept the premise that preventive laws creating victimless “crimes” can be good for society. However, if I did, I would say that a 24-hour curfew, allowing passes for those who would produce tax revenue to go to and from work, would be good for society.

If we accept that the government is anything but a defense contractor, such as we do when we allow it to be an arbiter of morality by punishing victimless activities, then the best way to deal with rape and sexual assault may be to put everyone in large buildings of many locking rooms.