I know the answers have been given here, and all over the web, but I’m still kinda concerned about TRT so I thought I’d post my situation and get some feedback from you all.
Age: 40
My T levels from two different tests
Free: 9.7ng/dl (9-30 range) Total: 485 ng/dl (240-950 range)
Free: 10.6pg/ml (8.7 - 25.1 range) Total: 565 ng/dl (348-1197 range)
My problems:
Pretty serious depression for many years, erectile dysfunction, no libido, lack of motivation and confidence.
Other health issues:
I drink too much too often, but I’m otherwise very healthy (done all sorts of tests) and in pretty great physical shape.
The doc was willing to put me on 1% androgel because I seem to fit the profile very well for TRT (low free T plus my symptoms). Do you all agree?
What I’m looking for is help with depression and ED. Is 1% of andro right for me?
I’m willing but nervous about TRT. If I start now, I’m looking at doing this for many, many years, long term anything like that seems risky to me. I could probably ‘get by’ another 5 years or so to reduce the longevity, but I’m probably being silly… am I?
I don’t seem to have much trouble building muscle… how can that be if my T is low, and with my drinking?
As I’m sure many of you know, alcohol and T don’t mix, so I’m guessing a good bit of my T problems probably stem from drinking every night. I’m attempting to reduce my drinking but that’s going to realistically take me a long time, am I crazy to take T to fix what I’m probably largely doing to myself with the drinking??
If I go the TRT route for a while and go off it for whatever reason some time later, will my normal production eventually return?
I’d really appreciate any feedback you can provide, thanks a lot!