Workout on First Cycle

You might want to educate yourself on Dunning Kruger.


I’m confused now. Is it big T or little t? You got very offended to the use of the little t then used it to to describe a person who lives there.


Come on bro that’s racist!


I dont wanna teach you english but race and country are different things and im Turk. Btw there is no bird called turkish in biology, gl with your little brain

Yes, and they’re both capitalized. This is one of the dumbest arguments I’ve seen on here in quite some time. I don’t know what your goal is but if you’re looking for information and advice then this isn’t how you go about obtaining it. I somehow doubt that anyone in here was insulting your country or your people as a whole. Aside from Armenians I don’t know of anyone who has an issue with the Turks. Well, maybe the Kurds. But there aren’t a lot of them running around this forum.


I know I’m wasting my time with this, but there is only one person in here that needs help with the english language and its you. You have taken a very interesting approach to asking for help while going full on attack mode.

Look, I’m not going to give a reply that says anything like “you’re not ready” or “you’re too young,” even though there may be truth in that. I’ll do my best to answer your question in an unbiased way, and maybe offer a tidbit or two from my own experience.

When you start taking gear your recovery and work capacity improve. Put simply, you’re able to handle more training volume. A 5x5 program is fine, but truthfully I think you’re better off continuing whatever training program you’ve been doing, but increase the volume over the weeks when the gear starts kicking in. Dramatically changing your workout program at the same time you start introducing drugs is throwing too many variables into the equation and you are going to have a difficult time deciphering what is working and what is not. Your first cycle is a dramatic enough change that you WILL notice a difference, so keep the training variable a little less drastic at first. My two cents.

This last piece of advice may be met with resistance from the other members, so let me preface it by saying that this is a piece of advice I was given by someone much smarter and more knowledgeable than myself, and it made logical sense so I’m sharing it with you. The advice I was given is to take a drug with the lowest potential for side effects for your first cycle. The compounds that were recommended were Winstrol, Primobolan, or Masteron. If you have never taken anything before your body will respond to whatever you give it. Believe me, you will grow when you start taking PEDs. A mild compound like the ones listed are very clean and have a lower potential for side effects than the more adrogenic compounds, so you’ll get a boost in your muscle growth without as great an exposure to potential downsides.

That’s all I have to offer for now. Please continue to research, and make sure your research is not confined to internet-only sources. The internet is full of sites and pages written by people who may not know that much, but they catch a reader’s interest because they are sensationalized or just presented in a sexy way. Make sure to read medical journals, textbooks, etc. What you are exploring into is serous business and has the potential for lifelong consequences. Be smart about it and take responsibility for educating yourself before you do anything.

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When did winstrol become a mild compound?

No offense but that was horrible advice. All of it. From continuing a shitty training program to suggesting he use winstrol, primo, or mast.


Winstrol gave me some of the worst sides I’ve gotten from any compound I’ve tried so far: lethargy, absentmindedness, rage. Had to stop after 2 weeks because neither I nor my wife could handle those sides.

I am on the test-only 1st cycle bandwagon.

LOL, knowing how to train is prerequisite knowledge for steroid use. Maybe with all that research you were doing, you shoulda also been learning to lift

I dont think you understand me. I have a program 1 area per day. In Turkey ppl dont know much about drugs and i cant talk to them bc Its about my dignity. You cant be med student and use drugs on there. I was just asking how to get more benefits on cycle because i never experienced it. Maybe multipl times in a week better maybe not?

In my Last article you said you should lower body fat and im dieting for 6 month. And now trolling this post. Nice

You have to be possibly the dumbest med student I have ever seen if you think my comment to him was trolling.


No, I do understand you.

You don’t even know the basics of training and nutrition - and now you want to add in the variable of drugs? You’re brand new to lifting if you’re doing Stronglifts 5x5, and you won’t make any progress in a month off it.

Basically, if you gotta ask how to train on cycle, you shouldn’t be on cycle, because you should already know how to train. A coach would be a better investment for you.

I think you need to learn reading. I saw 5x5 last week first time on youtube.

Yeah, that means you’re brand new to weight training.

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Whatever dude im done with this forum. I will upload my progress 6 month later if i care

:rofl::rofl::rofl: what foolishness is this?


You troll, everyone knows you have to have the GEAR before the membership. Thats like asking what came first the chicken or the Egg, obviously the Chicken did.

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You must mean GEAR as in “equipment”, because plenty of lifters, especially new ones doing Stronglifts 5x5, do just fine without steroids